A SUMMER TRAINING PRESENTATION ON BOILER Training Centre: IFFCO, Phulpur Unit Training Area: Plant Area Project Topic: Boilers Presented By: Sandeep Kumar yadav Roll no.-272 Branch-MEE(2k12) UIETCSJMU KANPUR
Layout of IFFCO plant 1. Two Power plants. 2. Two Furnaces & Two Chimneys. 3. Water Treatment System & Brick making unit. 4. Single ECU System. 5. Packaging & Transportation Division.
Process of Urea Production Natural gas is taken from GAIL through pipe lines and stored in gas reservoirs. Natural gas is dissociated at high temperature & pressure into a furnace. Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Carbon dioxide gases are obtained after dissociation. Hydrogen & nitrogen is send to ammonia plant while Carbon dioxide is stored separately. 3H2 + N2 = 2NH3
Ammonia and hydrogen is reacted into mixing plant where urea in vapour form is obtained. 2NH3 + CO2 = NH2CONH2 This urea vapour is condensed by natural convection in a chimney of hieght 104 mitres. At the base of chimney small spherical urea is obtained which is further sent to packaging unit by means of conveyer belt.
BOILERS Boiler is an apparatus to produce steam. Thermal energy released by combustion of fuel is used to make steam at the desired temperature and pressure. The steam produced is used for: (i) Producing mechanical work by expanding it in steam engine or steam turbine. (ii) Heating the residential and industrial buildings (iii) Performing certain processes in the sugar mills, chemical and textile industries.
BOILER SPECIFICATION Boiler Make & Year :XYZ & 2003 MCR(Maximum Continuous Rating) :10TPH (F & A 100oC) Rated Working Pressure :10.54 kg/cm2(g) Type of Boiler: 3 Pass Fire tube Fuel Fired: Oil
Technical Specification of boilers used at IFFCO Steam Generator # 1,2 & 3 : Manufacturer :M/S BHEL Type of unit :Radiant, High pressure, balanceddraft, Water tube, Bi drum, pulverized coal fired. Max. continuous rating ( MCR) : 125 MTPH of each boiler Rated steam pr. & temp. at S.H. outlet : 108 kg/cm2(g) and 465 deg c Steam Generator # 4 : Manufacturer : M/S BHEL Type of unit : High pressure, pressurized furnace , single drum dual fuel fired (oil+ gas ) Max. continuous rating ( MCR) : 200 MTPH Rated steam pr.& temp. at S.H. outlet : 115 kg/cm2 (g) and 515 deg c Turbo generator # 1: Maximum output : 12.5 MW Rated voltage : 11 KV Turbine speed : 6500 RPM Reduction G.B. output shaft Speed : 3000 RPM Turbo generator # 2: Maximum output :18 MW Turbine speed : 5500 RPM
Efficiency of boiler Efficiency= mw(h-hf)/mfC the ratio between the thermal energy actually absorbed by water and the thermal energy available in fuel (80 – 90 %). Efficiency= mw(h-hf)/mfC Where mw =mass of steam kg/h mf =mass of fuel kg/h C = calorific value of fuel kcal./kg
Steam Cycle: Saturated steam generated in boiler is further superheated in primary super heaters & final super heaters so as to achieve design steam temperature to 465C at 105 kg/cm2(g)& 515C at 115 kg/cm2(g) in P-1 & P-2 header respectively for use in process and Turbines. Different type of steam & its uses : 1) 115 Ata steam: Oil & gas fired boiler generates to supply it ammonia-2 / urea-2 plant and to Turbo generator-2 for power generation. 2) 105 Ata steam: The All three coal fired Boilers generate steam at this pressure & supply steam to ammonia-1, urea-1 and turbo gen-1. 3) 13 Ata steam: This steam is used for feed water heating in HP heaters , soot blowing, driving BFP turbine & FD fan turbine, steam coil air pre heater, steam jet air ejectors of condenser, LSHS drive turbine..
REFRENCES [1] Recovery Boiler Operation Manual, Ahlstrom Machinery Corporation 1999, CD-rom, Andritz. [2] Power plant Engineering by P.K.Naag(Tata Mc.Graw hill Publication) [3] Efficient Boiler Operations Sourcebook, Fourth Edition, F. William Payne and Richard E. Thompson, 1996.