Chapter 4 The Constitution 4.1 Discuss with a partner the questions below. Be prepared to share your answers. • Why did Dwight Lopez file a lawsuit against his school district? • Is the issue Lopez presented a constitutional issue? In other words, is it a case in which the Constitution will be consulted in order to make a decision? • If you were the lawyer assigned to represent Lopez in this case, on what grounds might you argue that his constitutional rights were violated? In class 4.1
Put your name on your copy of the Constitution! Use these terms to complete your reading notes for the chapter. Open the Outline of the Constitution handout on the History Homepage. Fill it in. Read Section 4.1 online or text pp59-60 4.1
4.1 Examine the Outline of the Constitution on the Handout from the previous slide. Then answer these questions in your Student Online Interactive Notebook: SION 1. What observations can you make about the way the framers organized the Constitution? 2. Which branch of government did the framers give the greatest number of specific (expressed) powers to? What might be some reasons for that? 3. What inferences can you make about how the framers intended to distribute power within the federal government? 15 minutes
Structure of Government. 4.2 Video Structure of Government. 4.2 Assignment: As you read 4.2, use the Articles handout available on the History Homepage site to take notes on the reading. Read pages 25-31 in your Graphic Novel The US Constitution Go to Topics page in Civics on and respond to the prompt. Online 4.2 and text p 60-61 Note the structure of the Constitution carefully.
The Preamble Analyze the Preamble as you watch the video Schoolhouse Rock: Constitution Preamble Lyrics on closed caption. Jigsaw with a partner then larger group to discuss: • What is this song about? • How would you describe the music? Happy? Sad? Why? In the lyrics, what words are unfamiliar to you? Where did these words come from? Look them up online. • Why are 200 year old words meaningful? 4.2
Get Preamble Hand out #2 available online and work on it. Directions: Read each excerpt below. 2) Define each underlined term in the second column using your own words. 3) Create a visual or find a picture that illustrates the underlined concept(s). 4) Write 1 complete sentence on why the excerpt is important. Be prepared to share with a partner, then a group of four. If you missed class, do all the words. 4.2
Use Preamble Handout # 3 (available online) as a guide for the group discussion. Be prepared to have one person in your group share a response to the discussion items related to the excerpt. Be a good listener and add to the ideas, do not just repeat them. If you missed class, answer the questions on your own. 4.2
in Wordle or Word it out, Make your own word cloud of the Preamble in Wordle or Word it out, Make your own word cloud of the Preamble. Don’t forget the more times you enter a word, the larger it gets. If you did not finish this for homework, read pp 27-31 in Graphic Novel, then do your Civics Topics page on the SJS webpage
Outline of the US Constitution (HINT: see handout from lesson 1!) Preamble Articles Amendments Purpose List each article in this section List amendments in groups in this section Example Example Just one Example : just one
The Bicameral Congress: Crash Course Government and Politics #2 Article 1 The Bicameral Congress: Crash Course Government and Politics #2 video
Read GN 38-41 How a bill becomes a law I’m Just a Bill Article 1 clause 2 Read GN 38-41 How a bill becomes a law
Article 1 Clauses 3-8 see video Read GN pp 42-52 The Legislative Branch 4.3 online and 61 in text
The Executive Branch Video Article 2 The Executive Branch Video Read pp 53-64 in your graphic novel and respond on the topics page. Online 4.2 text p 62 RESEARCH: Using 3 online newspapers, find a news article example of at least 3 of the President’s Jobs, one from each site. Set up a Noodle tools project Executive Branch. Use Newspaper/website Annotate each article with brief summary and how it shows a role of the President listed above.
The Judicial Branch Read pp 65-73 Article 3 The Judicial Branch Read pp 65-73 Using an authoritative website, detail one case the Supreme court has ruled on 2016-2017. Submit to drop box on assignment page. The National Judicial Branch is mirrored in the State Judicial systems. Video Online 4.3 text p 62
Articles IV, V, VI, and VII IV pp 74-77 V pp78-81; VI pp 81-82; VII pp 82-84 You will be divided into groups. Each group will be assigned a section from the Graphic Novel. You will teach your section to the rest of the class. (BE creative) Give the Article number Then carefully explain the purpose of each Article Finally, give an example that illustrates the purpose. You may need to do some research here Be sure that you can explain the Supremacy Clause Online 4.4 text 62-63 You can use the Article Hand out on the history homepage to help organize your work. Or to take notes.
Amending the Constitution The Amendment Process Is Not Easy Do the Ted Lesson on Amending the Constitution The First Ten Amendments: The Bill of Rights The first ten amendments were proposed by Congress in 1789 and ratified by the states in 1791. The rights listed in the Bill of Rights outline the freedoms guaranteed to the people and the states.
and write a response on the Forum 4.3 Why is a Constitutional Convention not necessarily a good thing? Agree or Disagree. Read this Article and write a response on the Forum Article Be sure to use information from the article in your 3 paragraph response. Use the question as your thesis statement. Then, define a Constitutional Convention. Give reasons you agree or disagree. Support your responses with factual information pulled from the article. Give a concluding statement. Online 4.3 Pages 63-66
Checks and Balances Video Online 4.4 text pp 61-63
The Seven Principles of the Constitution or Why is it a living document? Video Online 4.5 text pp 66-70 4.4
Interpreting the Constitution video 4.5 Interpreting the Constitution video Americans remain divided on how the Supreme Court should interpret the Constitution Pew Research Read article Judicial Review video McCullough vs Maryland video Court Cases online 4.5 text 72-75 United States vs Nixon video Goss vs Lopez video
Summary The framers developed the U.S. Constitution more than 200 years ago with the hope that it would remain relevant and effective for future generations. One way they sought to accomplish that was through the provisions of Article V, which spell out how the Constitution can be changed. In recent years, Congress has fielded many proposals for changes to the Constitution. Read this article , then respond in the SION for the summary of Chapter 4 to the following question. If you had the opportunity to change the Constitution in one way in order to improve it, what would you propose? In a short paragraph, explain your proposal and discuss why you think the Constitution will be a stronger, better document with this change.