Revelation 11:1-4
1. In this symbol, who are the worshipers in the area immediately around the temple? Who are in the outer court? What do you think this symbolizes? The true believers are around the temple – the invisible Church Hypocrites are in the outer court This symbolizes the visible church on earth 2. Who are symbolized by the two witnesses? All preachers of the Gospel
3. Why are the two witnesses also symbolized by two olive trees and two lamp stands? Olive trees provide oil – which symbolizes the Holy Spirit Lamp stands hold up the light, but are not the “Light of the Word” Read Zechariah 4:1-14 4. How do the Gentiles trample on God’s temple today? Anytime they cause God’s people to suffer or hinder the Gospel
Revelation 11:5-7 1. This section is built on three stories from the Old Testament. Read or review all three accounts, and note how each is reflected in John’s vision. 2 Kings 1:9-12 – Ahaziah sent men to arrest Elijah and he called down fire on them twice, the third commander was smart and asked for mercy 1 Kings 17:1 – Elijah told Ahab that it would not rain until he said Exodus 6:1 – Moses was the one who “delivered” God’s plagues of judgment
2. Now apply this to John’s vision 2. Now apply this to John’s vision. What is the Lord saying about his two witnesses? God will protect his witnesses The Word of God will not be stopped 3. What happens when their time for prophesying is over? The Beast from the Abyss will attack and kill them 4. What comfort does this section give all those who spread God’s Word? God will protect us as we proclaim His Word We may still suffer but heaven waits His Word will not be stopped
Revelation 11:8-14 1. Why was the city of Jerusalem chosen as the symbol for the place where God’s martyrs will be killed? It is were Jesus was crucified The center of the Pharisees legalistic religion 2. Why will the inhabitants of the city gloat over their victory and send each other gifts in order to celebrate? Hint: Focus on the word tormented in verse 10. Their consciences would not longer be troubled by God’s Word 3. Why did terror strike those who saw the witnesses rise from the dead? They would then realize the prophet’s testimony was right They would be raised to judge those who killed them
4. What do you think is symbolized by the catastrophes mentioned in verse 13? The end of the world 5. The Lord says that the gates of Hades will not prevail against his church (Matthew 16:18). Yet Christian witnesses have been killed for their faith throughout the New Testament period. How can these two facts be reconciled? Though God’s people may suffer and be killed for Jesus, God’s Word will endure forever Satan can not make an epic comeback
Revelation 11:15-19 1. Focus on the phrases of praise of those who worship God in heaven. What does each mean? The kingdom of the world belongs to God and his anointed. The Prince of This world will not longer have his way – Jesus is in charge Thank you, Lord, for you have begun to reign. The time of struggle is over and God reigns in peace forever You punish those who reject you. The tables are turned on those who persecuted the Church
The time has come for you to judge the dead. The spiritually dead will be judged. see Revelation 20:4-6 You reward your servants, the prophets. God’s prophets will receive their heavenly reward You destroy those who destroy the earth. Sin destroys the earth – Genesis 3:16-20
2. The ark of the covenant is now visible 2. The ark of the covenant is now visible. What does this symbolize for God’s people? for those who reject the Lord? We can approach God and worship Him because sins have been removed 3. How do these words encourage patient endurance on our parts? While there may be trouble on this earth, we are going to love the ending