Sickness Absence Management an overview brief outline of changes to UCL policy
Key Principles Provision of support to individuals balanced with need to get the job done Accurate records of absences and actions taken to be kept Conducting “return to work interviews” Identify problems where work may be impacting on health or where health issues affecting attendance or performance Use of Occupational Health advice
Sickness Absence “Checklist” Ensure local system in place for reporting/recording absences Apply the UCL Sickness Absence Policy consistently and fairly Ensure staff are aware of their responsibilities under this policy (health and safety/risk assessment issues covered) Ensure managers are aware of the policy (refer to HR Consultancy Team for advice/training)
Key Stages of UCL Procedure Return to work interviews Taking preventative measures Setting targets for improvement when necessary Management of long term absences
Recent Changes to UCL procedure Clarification of responsibilities (both employee and manager) OH referrals (OH advice/GP certificates) Clarity over short term absence triggers Ability to deal with all stages of absence reviews/warnings/dismissals within one policy Detailed appeal procedure