Absence Minded TUESDAY 6 JUNE 9:30am – 3:00pm FORMBY HIGH SCHOOL MANAGEMENT FOR SENIOR LEADERS TUESDAY 6 JUNE 9:30am – 3:00pm www.formbyhighschool.com
ABSENCE MANAGEMENT FOR SENIOR LEADERS Helping you to manage your absence in schools … A re-run of our hugely successful one-day event for anyone who deals with absence in schools including the School Business Manager, Senior Leadership Team or Human Resources Team. Led by our in-house Human Resources Department, the day will explore the full range of systems and strategies which are invaluable in establishing an efficient and successful absence management system in school. Date: Tuesday 6 June 2017 Venue: Formby High School Time: 9:30am – 3:00pm Cost: £100 per person including refreshments and lunch Limited to 20 places www.formbyhighschool.com
ON THE AGENDA www.formbyhighschool.com Introduction to absence (short term/long term/other absences) Equality Act and Disability What are the sick pay entitlements for schools? Teachers (Burgundy Book) Support Staff (Green Book) Fit notes/Sick notes & Self Certs Reasonable adjustments Return to work interviews Stress Home Visits Triggers Managing long term absence Dismissals on grounds of ill health Ill health retirement Occupational Health – an hour session with Caroline Carter OH Clinician www.formbyhighschool.com
FORMBY HIGH SCHOOL www.formbyhighschool.com For further details and booking information, please email the CPD Team, Formby High School Freshfield Road, Formby, Merseyside L37 3HW Email: cpd@formbyhighschool.com Tel. 01704 873100 www.formbyhighschool.com