IDEAS Data Exchange Format (RDFS) US Experiment SV-1 SA XML Import (Update logic) EE XML Export (ALL) Telelogic System Architect® SQL Query RDFS Database IDEAS Data Exchange Format (RDFS) IDEAS RDFS Generate Parse
Announcement IDEAS Team, It's that time again for our bi-weekly telecon this Friday, August 17 at 9:00 AM US Eastern Daylight Time at Conference Call: Dial (605) 990-0110, access code 477-866-880 Meeting ID: 477-866-880 Suggested topics: Status of experiment configurations (round-robin) Review Casualty Management OV-5 as shown in System Architect (Guy) RDFS discussion (Ian lead, questions from Greg, others) The OV-5 for topic 2 is attached, in the both the SA "encyclopedia" SQL Server file and in the HTML publication from SA. Please let me know if there are other topics we should discuss.
Steve McCarthy Hi All: I have been reviewing the Record of Decisions from the last meeting and thought it would be a good idea to discuss the status on the action items at this weeks meeting. If you are in agreement I have lifted the action items out of the ppt and listed them below. Actions • All to continue engagement with J6 staff and with G6/medical or Health Services staff to clarify the casualty management scenario requirements • All to provide input to the OCD as soon as possible • All to identify other documents that are needed (especially plain English explanations/guidelines to the IDEAS work) and circulate for agreement – volunteers to write the docs required – US (Francisco) will draft object definitions and UK (Chris) pattern use descriptions • All management reps to write up an approx one page summary of the way ahead for IDEAS from their nation’s perspective (with any additional comments on issues, way ahead for the architecture frameworks etc) and circulate by early July to allow creation of a strategy paper before the September meeting • All – volunteer required to ensure that the Casualty Management Scenario is written up as a plain English ‘story’ to assist with informing others of what we are addressing • US to arrange an agenda slot in next years UD DoD EA conference for the IDEAS ‘launch’ • UK to provide a copy of the letter sent to UPDM • UK will create a collaboration space for the IDEAS members on • UK to tidy up the model to complete adjustments made at this meeting and circulate asap • UK to put links to national (and NATO) framework sites on the IDEAS website • UK to advise hotel and meeting arrangements for the September meeting • AUS to provide an updated version of the draft OCD to be put on the IDEAS website