Children & Young People’s mental health services PLS April 2017
Introduction Dr Becky Jarvis, GP and Clinical Lead for Mental Health for the CCG Gill Brooks, CYP mental health commissioner Cat Dyson, Project Manager, Right Here Peter Ley, Operation Manager, Here
Aims To learn about the services and support on offer for children and young people with emotional wellbeing and mental health issues in the City, and how to refer in to those services. The session aims to provide an understanding of: all the services available for children and young people with emotional or mental health difficulties how to refer to those services how to support young people to access self-help and how each service / support works together what Primary Care can expect from the services including information and communication Primary Care’s role in prevention and awareness raising about de-stigmatising mental health issues
New CYP mental health pathway
Prevention, advice and information Cat Dyson, Right Here
Community Wellbeing Service Mild to moderate mental health needs met through an all ages pathway with a single point of access starting 1st June 2017. Peter Ley, Here
Schools Wellbeing Service A whole approach to mental health and emotional wellbeing Primary Mental Health Workers in all schools and colleges, to support pupils, staff and parents Mirror service to Community Wellbeing Service – mild to moderate need Will be in place in all secondary schools and primary schools by June 2017, then plans for Colleges and Special Schools next term
Specialist community mental health service Lots of change across the system and specialist service needs to adapt in line with this Formal re-design process, new specification by June 2017 Phase two (2017/18) for longer term changes needed Key areas of change: Single point of access for routine and priority Access improved and waiting times reduced Lead mental health practitioners in Primary Care Proactive outreach Need to work on urgent response Work also starting on improving autism, LD and ADHD Sussex wide eating disorder service now in place
Any questions or comments?