«Physiotherapy dental diseases» Speciality - 051302 «Dentistry» Direction of education – Dentist of therapeutic Elective discipline «Physiotherapy dental diseases» Amount of credits (hours) – 3 (135 hours) Department of Therapeutic Stomatology
Physiotherapy dental diseases Among the many therapeutic and preventive measures that are used for diseases of the maxillofacial region are of great importance physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy dental diseases Modern dentist must know the mechanisms of action of various physical therapy techniques in the pathology of the oral cavity, to be able to select the appropriate method of treatment
The aim: teach students the theory and practical application of physical methods of prevention, diagnosis of dental diseases, dental treatment and rehabilitation of patients.
Ozone therapy
UHF therapy
Ultrasound therapy
Discipline necessary to study (prerequisites) biophysics, biochemistry, physiology, pathological physiology normal, pharmacology, kariesologiya and non carious lesions, clinical endodontics
Postrequisites: Preventive dentistry, dental surgery, prosthetic dentistry, pediatric dentistry
Contacts г. Almaty, Tole bi st. 92; build. №3 KazNMU 3 floor