Potential Use Cases for Brighton Brighton Everynet Potential Use Cases for Brighton Author: Ashley Bowen everynet.ashley@gmail.com
A Whole Spectrum of Potential Citizen Scientist Base Station Mngt Sensor Mngt Sensor Build Raspberry Pi Solution Development Data & Analytics Education IOT Awareness Environment Awareness Sensor Mngt Sensor Build Solution Development Data & Analytics Academic Research Community Bike Tracking Environment Nature Smart City Coastal Defence Monitoring Art & Design Commercial Industrial & Utilities Product Development Technical development Commercial viability Health Care Driverless Cars The Wired Farm Connected Homes Author: Ashley Bowen; everynet.ashley@gmail.com
Getting Started Citizen Scientist Raspberry Pi TTN Reading Have Produced a LoRaWAN Interface Shield Start-Up Mote Light & Temperature Sensors About £50 BBC Micro Chip TTN Reading Have Produced a LoRaWAN Interface Shield UV Index Sensor Temperature & Humidity Sensor £15 Temperature, Pressure & Humidity Sensor £20
Fun, Interesting, Quirky Hedgehog Tracking Other Wild Animals Handbags At Dawn! Heatmaps Using IOT Parameters Smart Materials Vary Colours by Pollution Readings
Fun, Interesting, Quirky Hedgehog Tracking Other Wild Animals Handbags At Dawn! Heatmaps Using IOT Parameters Collaborate with Other Meetup Groups: Creative Wildlife Others Smart Materials Vary Colours by Pollution Readings
Useful Climate Change Pollution monitoring Bicycle Tracking Smart City Smart Street Lights Parking App Traffic Monitoring Domestic Pet Tracking Buildings Energy Consumption Schools, shopping malls, offices, etc.
Serious Analytics Brings IOT to Life Useful Climate Change Pollution monitoring Bicycle Tracking Serious Analytics Brings IOT to Life Smart City Smart Street Lights Parking App Traffic Monitoring Buildings Energy Consumption Schools, shopping malls, offices, etc. Domestic Pet Tracking
Education 1. IT Awareness Eg. Micro-climate or Pollution monitoring 2. Simple IOT Projects Eg. Simple BBC Micro Chip Projects 3. Complex IOT Projects Electronics Network Comms 4. Sensor Creation Eg. Moisture Sensor from Plaster of Paris 5. IOT Analytics App development 6. Collaboration with Companies Many Industry Sectors
Brighton Differentiators “Sussex by the Sea” Monitoring of cliffs and sea defences Monitoring of coastal structures Fisheries research Vineyard monitoring Sparkling wine from Sussex has just been granted ‘protected regional status’ South Downs Monitor dementia sufferers walking on the Downs Marine Biology Research
Building Blocks Other Building Blocks? Tracker Pets Wild animals OAPs Personal assets Supply chain tracking People Counter (eg. TTN Reading) Mobile phone counter (virtually one-to-one with people) Count MSISDNs as they arrive and as they depart Event Attendance Shoppers in a Retail Mall
Brighton Everynet Progression Technology Fun Technology Useful Technology Educate Others in Technology Differentiators for Brighton