Welcome to Curriculum Night!
The Basics School phone number: 860-663-1121 School Starts: 8:40 School Ends: 3:25 Tardy students must go to the office to get a pass Visitors must check in at office for a Visitor’s Pass If there are any changes in your child’s transportation plans, please write a note
Be sure to . . . Label everything you send in Return your child’s Communication Folder to school every school day Send your child to school with a snack or two Send your child to school with a water bottle Send in an extra change of clothes (your child can keep them in their cubby)
Mon-Rotate Tue-Music Wed-Gym Thur-Library Fri-Art 9:00 Reading 9:50 Special Mon-Rotate Tue-Music Wed-Gym Thur-Library Fri-Art 10:35 Snack 10:45 Word Work 11:10 Math 12:20 Lunch 12:45 Recess 1:10 Intervention 1:40 Read Aloud 1:55 Writing 2:40 Science/Social Studies 3:00 Pack up 3:15 Dismissal
Lunch/Snacks and Breakfast Children have lunch in the Cafeteria from 12:20-12:45 We have snack at 10:35 everyday. We also have an optional snack time in the afternoon around 3:00pm for children who are hungry. It might be best to pack two snacks in the beginning of the year. Breakfast is also offered every morning as an option
Birthday Celebrations If you would like to bring one healthy snack item to celebrate your child’s birthday, please send in a note/or email me prior to notify me of your plans. 10:35am or 3:00pm would be the most appropriate times for a special birthday treat. You are welcome to stay and be a part of the celebration. NEEDS TO BE APPROVED by NURSE NANCY 48 hours in advance!
First Grade Homework Take-Home Reading Bags - Return when completed. Remember, it is okay to have your children reread the same books. Your child should read for at least 20 minutes each night. Sight Word Practice - Please practice and return when mastered. Your child should be able to read the words in a ‘snap’! Math Facts – Please practice and return when mastered. Your child should be able to solve in 3 seconds.
A phonological/phonemic awareness, phonics and spelling program Carefully sequenced skills that include print knowledge, alphabet awareness, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, decoding, vocabulary, fluency, and spelling
Reader’s Workshop Building Good Habits Word Detectives: Solving tricky words Learning about the World: Reading Non-fiction Fluency, Phonics and Comprehension Non-Fiction Book Clubs Becoming Characters – performing books Story Elements: lessons, character study The ultimate goal of a Reading Workshop is always to develop life-long passionate readers
Writer’s Workshop Small Moments: Narrative How-To Books Non-Fiction Books Reviews Non-Fiction Chapter Books Poetry and Songs From Scenes to Series: Fiction
Math Unit 1: Measuring Length Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction within 10 Unit 3: Counting and Place Value Unit 4: 2D and 3D Shapes Unit 5: Addition and Subtraction with in 20 Unit 6: Partitioning and Time Unit 7: Addition and Subtraction within 100
Science Concepts Living Things: plants and animals Light and Sound
Social Studies Maps, neighborhoods, communities, presidents/historical figures, holiday traditions
A Look Ahead . . . Halloween Parade Colonial Day Polar Express Holiday Rotations Flat Stanley Author’s Tea Field Trip to CT Science Center Hatching Ducklings Hatching Butterflies Planting
Conferences Wednesday, October 25th and Thursday, October 26th Please be sure to sign up If you would like a conference before then, let me know! Conferences will be scheduled in March as well (1st and 2nd)
Volunteer Opportunities Writing Volunteers : To facilitate writing and conference with children Monthly Crafts : To plan and prepare themed crafts. Will be done once a month in the afternoon Library Organizers: To help level books, repair books and organize classroom library At home helpers / supplies : to make/create charts and/or activities or possibly purchase inexpensive supplies Amazon Wishlist: laurenmroby@gmail.com
The Best Ways to Reach Me Email me at laurenmroby@gmail.com or at lroby@rsd17.org Send in a note Call the School: 663-1121 Contact me through my Teaching Webpage: www.laurenroby.weebly.com