Male Reproductive System Human Reproduction Male Reproductive System
Functions of the Male Reproductive System 1 Produce sperm- the male sex cell, equivalent to the egg (ova) in the female. 2 Release Hormone- testosterone, equivalent to estrogen in the female. 3 Deposit sperm into the vagina.
Male Sex Cell Sperm-
Anatomy of a sperm cell
Sperm facts Number of sperm released in a single ejaculation- 200 to 400 million Capable of being produced throughout the lifespan of the male. Only one is needed to fertilize the female egg.
Sperm converging on egg
Male Reproductive System Penis- Male organ used in sexual intercourse. Consists of mainly sponge-like tissues that fill with blood during sexual arousal.
Male Reproductive System Testis- Where sperm and hormone testosterone are produced, similar to the ovaries in the female.
Testosterone Male hormone responsible for- Production of sperm Male physical characteristics
Male Reproductive System Epiditimus- provides storage and allows for maturation of the sperm.
Male Reproductive System Scrotum- Sac that contains testis and epiditimus outside of the body.
Male Reproductive System Vas Deferens- (sperm duct) connects the testis/epiditimus to the urethra. Equivilant to the fallopian tubes in the female.
Male Reproductive System Seminal Vesicles- provide nutrients for the sperm
Male Reproductive System Prostate Gland- 1 provide enzymes to activate sperm. 2 fluid neutralizes acid in the urethra and vagina
Male Reproductive System Urethra- provides path for activated sperm and semen to pass from the male to the female vagina. (ejaculation)
Problems of the Male reproductive system Prostate cancer- occurs in older males Testicular cancer- occurs in males age 20’s and 30’s.