La Mesa Climate Action Plan Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Scoping Meeting May 31, 2017
Welcome and Introductions City of La Mesa Carol Dick, Community Development Director Chris Jacobs, Senior Planner Howard Lee, Associate Planner AECOM (Consultant Services) Matthew Gerken, Project Manager 5/31/2017 La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR
Scoping Meeting Purpose To gather input on the issue areas that will be included in the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) We want your input on the following topics: Environmental issues to be analyzed Possible alternatives or mitigation measures to consider Input will be used to develop the “scope” of the SEIR 5/31/2017 La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR
Overview Introductions What is a Climate Action Plan? What is CEQA and where are we in the process? What will be in the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Report? How can I provide input? Public comments
What is a Climate Action Plan (CAP)? Long-range plan to reduce community-wide GHG emissions Considers statewide GHG actions Establishes local reduction targets Develops local measures to achieve reduction targets 5/31/2017 La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR
La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR CAP Components 2010 baseline emissions inventory and forecast for 2035 target year Reduction strategy areas: Energy Transportation and Land Use Water Solid Waste Green Infrastructure Pathway towards 2035 target 5/31/2017 La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR
La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR CAP Goals and Benefits Goal: Demonstrate consistency with State legislation on GHG reduction. Implement the General Plan EIR Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measure. Positive benefits for local community: Improved air quality and public health Reduced energy bills Improved transportation access Infrastructure improvements supporting alternatives to driving Recycling, water conservation, and urban agriculture 5/31/2017 La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR
La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code, Division 13) Evaluate potential direct, indirect, and cumulative environmental impacts Identify methods to avoid or reduce significant impacts Evaluate alternatives Obtain public and agency input and comments during the CEQA process After the 30-day review period for the NOP is complete and all comments are received, a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR) will be completed in accordance with CEQA, as amended (Public Resources Code, Section 21000 et seq.) and the State Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA (California Code of Regulations, Section 15000 et seq.). Once the DSEIR is completed, it will be made available for public review and comment. Copies of the DSEIR will be mailed directly to those agencies commenting on the NOP. 5/31/2017 La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR
Supplemental EIR (CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 through 15164) Since the CAP wasn’t developed at the time of the General Plan PEIR, a supplemental EIR is necessary. The supplement to the EIR only needs to contain the information necessary to make the previous EIR adequate for the project as revised. This document will address whether the CAP and proposed changes to Mitigation Measure GHG-1 adopted in the GPU PEIR would result in any new or substantially more severe environmental impacts than those previously evaluated in the certified GPU PEIR. 5/31/2017 La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR
Existing General Plan and PEIR Mitigation Measure GHG-1 Required a Climate Action Plan Draft 2020 Climate Action Plan (2015) Revised CAP to 2035 (2016) Supplemental EIR will analyze additional level of GHG reduction measures The City of La Mesa certified an EIR for its updated General Plan in 2012. The EIR included Mitigation Measure GHG-1, requiring the City to develop and adopt a Climate Action Plan. In order to implement Mitigation Measure GHG-1, the City drafted a Climate Action Plan in 2015 focusing on the 2020 reduction targets, but has since decided to additionally pursue a 2035 GHG reduction strategy to comply with long-term state mandate reductions targets and subsequently reduce cumulatively considerable significant impacts to climate change to a less-than-significant level pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As the General Plan EIR did not account for the level of GHG reduction that is being proposed as part of the 2035 Climate Action Plan, a Supplemental EIR to the adopted General Plan is necessary to analyze any additional impacts not covered in the existing EIR. You are here 5/31/2017 La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR
Potential SEIR Focus Areas- CAP Measures Aesthetics Noise Air Quality Paleontological Resources Cultural Resources Population and Housing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Public Services, Utilities, and Energy Hazards and Hazardous Materials Transportation and Traffic Hydrology and Water Quality Land Use The existing General Plan PEIR comprehensively addresses impacts associated with implementing the General Plan through the City’s planning horizon. The SEIR would provide information additional to the analysis presented in the existing PEIR so that the SEIR, when combined with the PEIR, would address the addition of the CAP. At this time, the City anticipates that the SEIR would focus on the following areas where additional information may be necessary. The City does not anticipate that there would be new or increased impacts associated with these topics, only that additional information could be helpful to ensure the analysis and reporting in the SEIR is current. 5/31/2017 La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR
La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR Schedule Phase Date Notice of Preparation (30 day comment period May 11 through June 12) May 2017 Public Scoping Meeting May 31, 2017 Preparation of the Supplemental EIR June 2017 City Council CAP Subcommittee Draft 2035 CAP review Environmental Sustainability Commission review and comment on Draft 2035 CAP July 2017 Supplemental EIR Notice and Public Review Draft 2035 CAP for comment (45-day notice and Notice of Completion) Planning Commission - Final Draft 2035 CAP / Supplemental EIR review and recommendation to the City Council September 2017 City Council adoption of the 2035 CAP and certification of Final Supplemental EIR November 2017 & December 2017 City to File Notice of Determination December 2017 You are here 5/31/2017 La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR
La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR Public Comments – We Want Your Input! Environmental issues to be analyzed Possible alternatives or mitigation measures to consider Please fill out speaker card, comment card, and sign-in sheet Potential impacts of the Climate Action Plan? Potential methods to avoid or reduce impacts? Project alternatives? Agencies, organizations, individuals who should be notified about the project? 5/31/2017 La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR
Please send all additional comments by 5 p.m. June 12 to: Submit Comment Card Tonight Available at sign-in table Send Written Comments to: Chris Jacobs, Senior Planner / Howard Lee, Associate Planner City of La Mesa, Planning Department 8130 Allison Avenue La Mesa, CA 91942 Visit Climate Action Plan Website: Call Planning Department Phone Line: (619) 667-1177
Thank You for Attending Tonight! 5/31/2017 La Mesa CAP Supplemental EIR