WASH Group Regional Meeting HoA Vulnerability Model - IFRC Nairobi - 23/06/2017
1. Vulnerability Model Objective Develop a vulnerability model that overlaps the following key datasets for Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia: % of people with safe access to water % Global Acute Malnutrition AWD/Cholera IDPs and population figures Food security Drought Risks Other factors to be considered: Population density, Security and Access, Markets. WHY? 2011 Horn of Africa lessons learnt Highest mortality rates occurred in locations with the highest malnutrition rates & the lowest rates of access to water.
2. Vulnerability Model Data model What countries actually do? Stop here and give weight to datasets – Somalia example: 0-10 grades to three main ones (water, Nut; AWD) and then 0-5 grades to the remaining ones – compute into 1-3 priorities and develop map for Cluster Coordination team and partners. What this methodology provides… additional data, classification, categorisation and priorisation through a tool that allows an unbiaised and consultative process using a survey for WASH experts then the data remains available through website and online mapping RED figures are districts with NO data – median numbers were applied
3. Vulnerability Model Coding Consultation on initial coding and vulnerability models from countries Re-categorisation discussions FINAL DRAFT methodology and guidance (will be shared shortly) detailing processes of datasets identification, review, preparation, verification, consolidation, coding, classification and eventually priorisation.
4. Vulnerability Model Classification for 1000minds 1) Discuss context with data custodian agencies on datasets 2) Apply standard classification standards The purpose here is to establish classifications that will allow WASH experts and key stakeholders as a collective to prioirise combined datasets together rather than giving weights to each dataset in the first place.
5. Vulnerability Model Priorisation with 1000 minds WHY? 2011 Horn of Africa lessons learnt Highest mortality rates occurred in locations with the highest malnutrition rates & the lowest rates of access to water.
5. Vulnerability Model Weight and priorisation results with 1000 minds WHY? 2011 Horn of Africa lessons learnt Highest mortality rates occurred in locations with the highest malnutrition rates & the lowest rates of access to water.
5. Vulnerability Model Priorisation with 1000 minds WHY? 2011 Horn of Africa lessons learnt Highest mortality rates occurred in locations with the highest malnutrition rates & the lowest rates of access to water.
6. Vulnerability Model Online Mapping (go to: https://goo.gl/NmgXE9) Click on the map to get to the Online Mapping
7. Vulnerability Model Information Gaps and Challenges Quality and Standards Data reliability Lack of data for inaccessible areas Sensitivity of data sharing Current custodians of data collection processes Ministries of Water (government surveys or secondary data) Ministries of Health (government surveys or secondary data) Clusters and Partners (Cluster assessment and monitoring tools) UNICEF (UNICEF HPM, third-party monitoring exercises) IOM and DTM (DTM questionnaires, WASH inputs) UNHCR (PRMN, UNCHR Data and Monitoring) OCHA (CODs, Multi-sector Assessments) Focus on % Access to safe water 3 highlighted in greed are the current opportunities where Cluster Coordination teams can improve collecting information to monitor the quality of the WASH response Requires capacity building in WASH in Emergencies and data collection of various enumerators. Resources are available (current work with
8. Vulnerability Model Way forward? Disseminate methodology and guidance for comments – Get FINAL version by end of July Support Clusters and Sectors in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia in benefitting from the guidance and tools developed for their next vulnerability exercises, severity mapping and HNOs. Disseminate guidance and support to other Drought affected surrounding countries : South Sudan, Uganda WASH Clusters/Sectors and others? Possible new vulnerability model for the Horn of Africa / South Africa regions end 2017? WHY? 2011 Horn of Africa lessons learnt Highest mortality rates occurred in locations with the highest malnutrition rates & the lowest rates of access to water.