Using a sit-to-stand mechanical device Using a sit-to-stand mechanical device. (A) The lumbopelvic sling is are secured around the patient (B) The legrests and/or footrests are removed or swung away from the wheelchair, and the lift is positioned so that the base straddles the chair and the patient is close to the device. The patient's feet are placed on the platform, and the lower legs are pressed up against the vertical tibia pads of the lift. (C) With the patient holding onto the handles, the battery-operated push-button lift is activated to begin the standing process. (D) The patient comes to a near upright standing position supported by the lift's foot platform, tibial pads, lumbopelvic sling, and handles. (E) Once the patient is comfortable and stable while standing, therapeutic exercises may begin. Source: Transferring Dependent Patients, Mobility in Context Citation: Johansson C, PT, PhD, GCS, Chinworth SA, PT, PhD. Mobility in Context; 2012 Available at: Accessed: October 20, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved