Robert Karas and Frank McCloskey Under Pressure Robert Karas and Frank McCloskey Key achievements in the last two weeks Air Splitter was successfully designed and implemented Code was programmed to target specific bladders Remote Control works on changing sequence Force Sensors added and coded for Seat sewn together Ready to deliver to client Project Metrics Status Budget Schedule Communication Contribution Overall Status: G G G G O Project milestones Target date Expected completion Deliver Prototype to Client 4/21 Final Presentations 4/25 4/28 Design Competitions 5/15 5/30 Key actions planned for the next two weeks Give our prototype to our client Present to LTU Faculty Finalize Final Paper Design Competitions Key Discussion Areas Nursing Students brought our prototype to their classes to have students test it out. They all seemed to really enjoy it. Our project ended up about $250 under budget! Key risks / issues / scope changes Housing Box doesn’t quite fit under wheelchair Battery that was ordered has not arrived yet Communication with Client is non-existent Major issues Some issues Satisfactory R Completed In Progress Legends: O G