Chapter 4: Defining Your Terms “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. John 1:1
OLD? What do the words you use really mean?? Old for a flower might be a few days. Old for a person could mean many different things. Define what you mean in your experiment!
Your experiment! Cold: Hard: Look up the following frequently used words in the dictionary and write down their meanings: Cold: How would you define cold if you were doing an experiment to test how cold chocolate could get before it cracks. What about another experiment? Hard: How would you define hard if you were doing an experiment to test the hardness of concrete? What about another experiment? Don’t worry about what others say the definition of a word should be. Decide the best definition for your experiment.
Your Turn You decide to experiment with babies. You want to know ON AVERAGE at what age they first understand the word NO. What age ranges are you going to test??? You can’t test babies from day 1 to day 365. Define your age ranges. 0-30 days, 30 - 60 days or how will you do it??? There is no right and wrong. You are the researcher, so you make the definitions.
Remember to be writing down your ideas and writing in your prayer notebook!