Reformation in England
Henry VIII Break with Catholic Church Anne Boleyn Act of Supremacy Request for divorce/annulment denied by Pope Anne Boleyn Protestant Henry’s new wife and queen Gave birth to future Queen Elizabeth I Act of Supremacy Established Anglican Church (Protestant) Declared himself head of the Church
After Henry VIII Edward VI succeeded Henry Son of Henry’s third wife Anglican Church moved in a more Protestant direction Edward died at 16 from tuberculosis Mary I (Bloody Mary) succeeded Edward Catherine’s daughter and a Catholic Ordered burning of almost 300 Protestants
Elizabethan Era Elizabeth I succeeded Mary Golden Age of England Reinstated the Anglican Church Defeated the Spanish Armada Made England a world power Golden Age of England Promoted the arts Conquered new lands
Meme Assignment Make a meme about one of the figures from the Protestant Reformation using a meme generator or PicCollage or a similar application. Make sure the meme is appropriate for a classroom environment. Post your meme on Edmodo.