Directions to the Catalina Flyer Dock
Departing for Catalina Island on the Catalina Flyer The closest street location to where we meet is Washington Street and East Bay Avenue in Newport Beach. The majority of the parking is metered, so have your parents put money in the meter to avoid a ticket. Do Not Meet Here
Walk toward the bay, and turn left at the sidewalk.
Eastshore Check-in Table Check in tables. Check in for roll. Then get your temperature taken. Once your temperature is marked on your hand, you’ve finished the check-in process. Any medication can be dropped off at check-in. Stay in the area until departure. Your parents are now free to leave.
Do Not Block Doorways or Staircases with Luggage. Luggage Line Begins Before you check in, put your luggage in a single file line. The line begins at left where you see arrow in the picture, and it will stretch past the Ferris Wheel.
Consider parking on Balboa Island where the parking is free Consider parking on Balboa Island where the parking is free. You can ride the ferry across the bay.
Once aboard the Flyer with luggage stowed, meet on the third deck Once aboard the Flyer with luggage stowed, meet on the third deck. After departure, you will be free to ride where you want except for the middle level inside cabin. To maintain this freedom, three body parts must always be in contact with the boat – two feet and a hand, a butt and two feet, etc. If students run, we will seat you.
If you feel sick, use a sea sick bag. Stay out of the bathrooms If you feel sick, use a sea sick bag. Stay out of the bathrooms. Ride outdoors and look at the horizon. Horizon The horizon doesn’t move. Wear Sea Bands!