Business sector reporting through Deanne Goldberg Bizwell Technical Adviser North West Business Sector Conference 6 July 2011
The APIME Method (SANS) 3. Implementation 4. Monitoring 5. Evaluation 1. Assessment 2. Planning Continual improvement Starting point of a programme
Bizwell Web-based monitoring and reporting tool Specifically targets the business sector Specially developed for SABCOHA to ensure effective capturing of HIV & AIDS and wellness data Bizwell was initially designed to assist Government in meeting HCT targets for 2011
Reporting Company Service Provider Authorisation DATA Confidentiality Principal user Secondary users Service Provider Principal user Secondary users Authorisation DATA Employees as targeted beneficiaries Linked to company by sites Confidentiality Data de-identified Company level Individual level Data Storage Held by developers Able to edit for 48hrs after entry Internal reporting Reporting functionality for company’s own data External reporting Reporting of consolidated data in the public domain
Other tools and resources Increased experience has led to the development of added tools and resources, such as: Frequently asked questions (FAQ) Guides to registration, site and data management District municipality and industry classification Consent forms TB and STI screening tools
Why should you report?
Advantages of reporting on Bizwell External Consolidated web-based reporting platform Benchmark Responsible reporters acknowledged to government Industry Inter-industry comparison Internal Monitoring and reporting of own HCT data Capacity for wellness monitoring
Confidentiality Confidentiality rules protect: Company-level data Individual-level data Results presented are based on and guided by these rules
Overview of results 20183 tests reported in the province Of these 12.7% seropositive 7 reporting companies 7 service providers 2 companies collect their own data 6 industries are reporting All 4 districts are reporting
Growth in reporting in NW Month 2010 2011 Grand Total January 556 February 1213 March 15 1000 1015 April 7615 - May 1892 22 1914 June 1122 July 1636 August 1109 September 873 October 773 November 1311 December 1046 17392 2791 20183 The peak testing rates coincide with the beginning of the national HCT campaign
Serostatus for NW
Demographic breakdown Age Category % Female % Male % Not recorded % of Total < 15 years 0.15 0.01 0.00 0.03 15-19 years 0.29 0.20 0.21 20-29 years 19.09 14.94 25.00 15.50 30-39 years 33.49 29.78 12.50 30.28 40-49 years 20.59 26.94 26.07 50+ years 11.04 15.24 14.67 Not Recorded 15.36 12.90 13.23 Grand Total 100.00
Demographic breakdown: Seropositive individuals Age Category Number of seropositive individuals Grand Total Number % Female Male 15-19 years 0 2 0.09 0.08 20-29 years 41 11.5 134 6.0 175 6.8 30-39 years 137 38.5 785 35.4 922 35.8 40-49 years 71 19.9 698 31.5 769 29.9 50+ years 23 6.46 303 13.7 326 12.7 Not Recorded 84 23.6 295 13.3 379 14.7 356 100 2217 2573
District testing rates Number Number positive Percentage positive (%) Bojanala 7347 1168 15.90 Dr. Kenneth Kaunda 12487 1403 11.24 Dr. R.S. Mompati 135 1 0.74 Ngaka Modiri Molema 214 0.47 Total 20183 2573
District testing rates District Municipality Not Recorded Seronegative Seropositive Grand Total Bojanala 35 6144 1168 7347 Dr. Kenneth Kaunda 11049 1403 12487 Dr. R.S. Mompati 26 108 1 135 Ngaka Modiri Molema 4 209 214 100 17510 2573 20183
Major Industry Division: North West vs. National Totals Agriculture Construction Finance Manufacturing Mining Personal Services Trade Transport Utilities Total Tested Positive North West * * * 19191 2533 32 19223 National Total 1681 247 3087 24 11054 411 43509 4823 1558 31 60889 5536 The mining industry predominates reports from the North West Province
Medical scheme coverage
Testing behaviour patterns Tested First test in last 12 months First test ever Did not test 17 No 592 727 Yes 357 127 Grand Total 966 871 (These results exclude answers of “not recorded”)
Testing results Of the 20183 cases reported on Bizwell in the North West Province 20155 individuals received one-on-one counselling The remainder were all tested 20133 individuals underwent HCT 17 individuals did not undergo HCT as they already knew they were HIV positive 33 cases had unrecorded results
Testing results Of the 20183 cases reported on Bizwell in the North West Province Self-reported risk assessment Of the 55 that responded: 33 reported low risk behaviours (60%) 22 reported medium risk behaviours (40%)
Health Risk Assessment Test Not offered Opted out Screened & not Referred Screened Referred Blood pressure 12999 79 3871 3234 Blood sugar 25 7095 64 Haemoglobin 20183 TB Symptomatic Screening 12819 6859 496 9 STI Symptomatic Screening 117 7121 126 Cholesterol 13001 26 6116 1040 Body Mass Index 46 3981 3157
Barriers to reporting Sanction and commitment Capacity, skills and resources Confidentiality concerns Data availability and quality Organisational complexity
Where to from here? Scaling up resources and capacity Responsible reporters New registrations Data quality management Increased data volumes will expand reporting capabilities Potential for more complex evaluation