The Boar’s Head Inn in Charlottesville was the site of the 2017 VCPD Higher Education Faculty Institute.
41 faculty members and technical assistance providers representing 19 two- and four-year IHEs participated.
Drs. Christine Schull and Sara Miller shared recommendations from the School Readiness Committee.
Dr. Dawn Hendricks from the VDOE discussed personnel recruitment and retention. Dawn also shared child count and placement data.
We brainstormed recruitment strategies.
Great minds at work!
A tic-tac-toe content refresher game was demonstrated.
Using wipe off boards and consensus decision-making, we pooled our knowledge (guesstimates?!) of statistics reflecting the status of Virginia’s children.
Emily Griffey from Voices for Virginia’s Children discussed policy issues.
We had lots of great discussion.
The film Resilience set the tone for our Friday focus on trauma and resilience.
John Richardson-Lauve shared his vast knowledge of trauma and resilience so that this information may be incorporated into coursework.
Thank you for supporting the VCPD Higher Education Faculty Institute. Dr. Dawn Hendricks Early Childhood Special Education Specialist
Photo Credits: Kristen Ingram ECSE Specialist VDOE’s T/TAC at ODU