Using a Model for Organisation Diagnosis Caryn Kaftal corporate research forum 2 March 2011
Solving problems of organisation effectiveness Prior Notions Symptoms What Data? Collect Data Analyze Data Understand Problems and Causes Identify Solutions to Problems Develop Action Plans Take Action Data Info Kx Action
Collect the right kind of data Point #1 Collect the right kind of data Am I asking the right questions?
Organizations as Systems Input Output Transformation Mechanism Feedback
Think in terms of the whole system Point #2 Think in terms of the whole system Am I considering the overall context?
The Congruence Model of Organisation Effectiveness INPUT OUTPUT The Organisation Environment System Strategy Resources Unit History Individual David A. Nadler—Mercer Delta Consulting
Congruence Model The Organisation Informal Organization Formal Work INPUT OUTPUT Environment System Formal Organization Resources Strategy Work Unit History Individual People
Put the data into context Point #3 Put the data into context Am I looking at how the whole system works together?
Congruence: Core Hypothesis “Fit” = Effectiveness Organizations will be more effective in transforming strategy into performance, to the extent that they create congruence among components
Management Challenges Business Design Strategy Output System Unit Individual Input Environment Resources History Work People Formal Organization Informal
Management Challenges Strategy Output System Unit Individual Input Environment Resources History Work People Formal Organization Informal Strategy- Organisation Alignment
Management Challenges Organisation Architecture Strategy Output System Unit Individual Input Environment Resources History Work People Formal Organization Informal
Bring the system into alignment with the strategy Point #4 Bring the system into alignment with the strategy Where will I get the greatest leverage?
What kind of questions to ask? How would you describe the strategy? To what extent is it widely shared? What are our critical strengths in delivering this strategy? Weaknesses? How does this compare to our competitor’s position? What is our unique value proposition? How do our people, our culture and our structure contribute to delivering this proposition? What gets in the way? What do we most need leadership to deliver to succeed in the future? What needs to change? What are our strengths to leverage? Weaknesses to avoid? How would we define our culture? What, if anything, should we focus on to facilitate execution? What are the strengths of the systems and processes delivering our strategy? Weaknesses? How do the ways we organise help or hinder our ability to win in the future? How consistent are the messages we hear? To what extent do they reinforce the challenges we face?
The Burke-Litwin Model