Announcements/DebrieF 2nd Person Narrative: The second-person narrative is a narrative mode in which the protagonist or another main character is referred to by second-person personal pronouns and other kinds of addressing forms, for example the English second-person pronoun "you." Due dates: LIS585 and “mastery learning” Module 4 strategies posted to sharing board Collection development notes: JLG, vendors, and deleting the reference section Key Questions: How confident are you today in describing the functions of a dynamic and effective LIT program? How confident are you today in describing the link between a strong LIT program and student achievement? How confident are you in describing program inputs and processes?
TL Jeopardy! Source: Bing Images/”Jeopardy”
Mock Interview II Position 1: The TL applicant Position 2: The administrator Position 3, 4: The interview committee member Source: Microsoft Clip Art/”interview”
Module 5: Putting It Together Leadership, Continuous Communication, and Program Advocacy
Agenda Putting It Together Continuously Communicate Advocacy Through Leadership Integrative Activities Courtesy Brandy Shaul/Flickr Creative Commons
I. Putting It Together “Instead of focusing on what the library program does, evidence-based advocacy focuses on what students learn*… The modes of advocacy should address issues that emerge from needs assessments**, which are used to establish program goals and objectives. The goals and objectives are articulated in an action plan*** that is, in effect, an instrument of evidence-based advocacy.” *Vision **LIT Program Analysis ***LIT Program Detailed 1-Year and Rolling 5-Year Plans Source: Empowering Learners, p. 42
LIT Program Tool Belt… Right away! During the year… …Save for later
II. Continuously Communicate Reporting Student Progress Teacher memo Displays LIT Program Report Report Card Ongoing Communications to Stakeholders 10-Week Memo School-wide Newsletter School and Library Webpages Social Networking *Annual Report (LIT Program Analysis, Detailed 1-Year & 5-Year Plans, Budget Requests, Examples of student work, etc.) Research!
Example: Newsletter
Example: The 10-Week Memo Date: To: (principal) From: (teacher-librarian) cc: (building decision-making team? assistant principal?) Re: The Library Information & Technology Program: Making a Difference in Student Learning Part 1: (1-2 paragraphs) The purpose of the memo… Part 2: (3-4 paragraphs) Describe major accomplishments of the library & information program for the 10 weeks. Part 3: (1 – 3 paragraphs) Describe goals and plans for the next 10 weeks.
Research Resource Irrefutable Evidence State/National Studies District Level Evidence Building LIT Program Evidence Library Research Service: Research and Statistics about Libraries Resources for school librarians: demonstrating the importance of school libraries. Courtesy ell brown/Flickr Creative Commons
WA Library Impact Study study-further-ties-quality-library-programs-to-student- success/
III. Advocacy Through Leadership Curriculum Leadership Training in emerging technologies Best practices in instruction Information and technology literacy skill integration Building District Professional Associations Share Expertise Presentations: school board, community, conferences Building (PTA) Staff development State: WLMA, WLA, NCCE Journal/newsletter articles National: ALA, AASL, ISTE Professional Development Courtesy thinkpanama/Flickr Creative Commons
Module 5 Discussion What are some way that the vision of the LIT program be communicated effectively? What are strategies for reporting student progress in the LIT program? Why is this important? Why does a crisis in school LIT programs call for leadership in the field? How can professional associations support our efforts? What does the research say about the effectiveness of LIT programs on student achievement? What are criticisms of this research? What are the "sacred cows" of traditional school library programs? Why is this an apt term? What are your concerns for entering the field of school LIT programs? Do you feel prepared?
Your Turn to Practice: Professional Development Select a resource, tech tool, or instructional strategy. Plan an effective method for presentation (2 minutes or less). Share with colleagues—include where to find it and how to get support if necessary.
Job Applications… Answer questions completely and in your own words Indicate endorsement! Use the LIT framework and vocabulary Emphasize: leadership, collaboration*, and technology integration Source: Microsoft Clip Art/”application”
A Day in the Life Divide into groups of 2-3. Given a time schedule, select an activity and a grade level at random. Plan a brief presentation describing your planning strategies. Describe your strategies for being successful in this activity to the class. Include how you will measure success.
LIT Program Analysis Template Highlight the features of your template Explain why it will be useful to you
LIT Program Plans Tell us who is your intended audience You will have no more than 3 minutes, with a “one-minute warning”
Welcome to the field of school librarianship! Congratulations! Welcome to the field of school librarianship! Source: Microsoft Clip Art/”celebration”