Back to School Night at Pine Forge Elementary Wednesday, August 23rd Room 706 Mr. Keith 5th grade copyright 2006 Russ Keith
Overview of Back to School Night Contact information Materials needed Homework Tests and quizzes School subjects Field Trips Miscellaneous items copyright 2006 Russ Keith
Contact Information Mr. Keith School 610-473-1813 Email at Mr. Wentling School 610-473- 1810 Email at Note with your child copyright 2006 Russ Keith
Materials Needed Pencils Pencil Organizer 3 ring binder Colored Pencils Tissues Dry erase markers Composition book 4 subject area folders notebook copyright 2006 Russ Keith
Homework Homework will given Monday thru Thursday Sometimes on the weekends No more than 3 assignments per day will be assigned Most homework will consist of Math and Reading Pink slips for missed homework – need parent signature After missing 3 assignments in a subject area, a lunch detention will be given and grades will be affected after 3 assignments copyright 2006 Russ Keith
Tests and Quizzes Tests and quizzes will be given in all subject areas Students will have at least three nights before the test to study The dates of all tests will be given in advance, students are responsible to copy into their agendas. All graded tests will be sent home for a parent signature. copyright 2006 Russ Keith
Math with Mr. Keith Guided Math approach Math facts Math computer games Differentiated to meet individual needs Problem solving Math 4Sight PSSA copyright 2006 Russ Keith
Language Arts with Mr. Wentling Guided Reading Shared Reading Read aloud Independent Reading Literature circles Grammar Word Study Writing (narrative, informational, and persuasive) PSSA ELA copyright 2006 Russ Keith
Science with Mr. Keith Inquiry based – hands-on from FOSS kits Pulleys and Levers Food and Nutrition Solar Energy Ecosystems copyright 2006 Russ Keith
Social Studies with Mr. Keith Native Americans Early Settlements Establishment of 13 Colonies Life in the Colonies Fight for Independence Constitution Technology Integration copyright 2006 Russ Keith
Field Trips Planetarium Philadelphia Chaperones for the Philadelphia trip must have up to date clearance checks into the office copyright 2006 Russ Keith
Miscellaneous Items Healthy snack Water bottle T.H.I.N.K. Cards/SWEBS RTII Reading Interventions Conference sign-up Absent from school copyright 2006 Russ Keith
Thank you for attending Back to School Night Thank you for attending Back to School Night! Feel free to visit ELA 5th grade teacher, Mr. Wentling. copyright 2006 Russ Keith