How is the theme of responsibility explored in An Inspector Calls? Learning Objectives: How do I structure the essay? How do I explore Priestley's message and links to context? How does Priestley use dramatic technique to develop his key themes?
Characters Mr Birling Sheila Gerald Mrs Birling Eric The Inspector How is each character responsible for Eva’s death? Mr Birling Sheila Gerald Mrs Birling Eric The Inspector Eva Smith/Daisy Renton Do they feel responsible? Do they take responsibility? What is Priestley’s message to the audience about social responsibility? Why is Priestley’s message particularly relevant to his audience in 1945?
How do I explore Priestley's message and links to context? Which of these contextual details link to the theme of responsibility? How?
How does Priestley use dramatic technique to develop his key themes? Priestley uses three main dramatic techniques: Exposition – he exposes gradually (through the Inspector’s enquiry) how each member of the Birling family is responsible for Eva’s death. Dramatic irony – the play is set in 1912 but written in 1945 – so the audience know a lot of things the characters don’t – Priestley uses this to show Mr Bs ignorance. (DI is also used when we realise that Eric is the father but Mrs B. doesn’t know!) Climatic curtains: Every scene ends on a climax: Gerald had an affair!!!!! Eric is the father!!!!!!!!!!! A girl really has died!!!!!!!!!!!!
Assessment Objectives
How do I structure the essay? Introduction – answer the question – set out your argument (what are you going to say?) Main argument (3-6 PEEL paragraphs) Conclusion (Summarise your main ideas and address the question again. Point (AO1) Evidence (AO1) Explain and analyse writer’s methods (AO2) Link to context and message (AO3) Using PEEL
How does Priestley explore the theme of social responsibility in AIC How does Priestley explore the theme of social responsibility in AIC? Intro: Priestley explores the theme of social responsibility in AIC using the dramatic technique of exposition to expose how each member of the Birling family is responsible for the death, by suicide, of Eva Smith or Daisy Renton. It is ironic that a family of such a high class are responsible for such a terrible event. Throughout the play Priestley explores what it means to take responsibility. He shows that Mr and Mrs Birling are so arrogant and set in their ways that they fail to take responsibility for their actions. It is only the younger generation, Eric and Sheila, that truly learn and take responsibility for what they have done. Priestley is clearly trying to teach us that we should be responsible for each other, not just for ourselves. The play is set in 1945, when the welfare state was beginning, by showing that the younger generation can learn and be responsible he is showing his support for the welfare state and his faith that things can change for the better. Link to Question Have a line of argument Link to context and message
PEEL Priestley explores the theme of social responsibility through the character of Mr Birling by showing how little responsibility he takes and revealing his ignorance and arrogance. When questioned by the Inspector Birling shows no sense of guilt for firing Eva when she asked for better wages and lead a strike. He says to Eric and Gerald ‘it is my job to keep labour costs down’. Showing that he cares far more about money and power than people’s welfare. The fact he describes his workforce as ‘labour’ shows him dehumanising his workers – he views them as workhorses, not people. He doesn’t change at all by the end of play and still thinks he has done nothing wrong and that his family are perfect. Priestley uses Mr Birling to show us that the rich can be arrogant and look down on the poor unfairly and hypocritically. Priestley is preaching the point that the welfare state is a good thing and that people like Mr Birling need to understand that poor and rich people should be treated equally and everyone should take responsibility for each other. Point (link to Q) Evidence (revise quotes!) Explain: Language / structure / ideas Link to: Context Writer’s Message
Linking Sentence (joining your paragraphs) After we see the Inspector interrogate Mr Birling, he moves on to Sheila. There is a clear difference between Shelia and her father as she accepts her responsibility for Eva’s death while he does not.
How does Priestley explore the theme of social responsibility in AIC How does Priestley explore the theme of social responsibility in AIC? Intro: Write 1 or 2 of your own PEEL paragraph continuing the essay…… Then peer or self assess:
Plenary A series of images from the play will appear – who can come up with the best quote to match the image? Capturing learning: Someone should scribe the quotes – your teacher can photograph and share on Firefly….