Trafficking in Human Beings in Latvia © State Police Republic of Latvia 04.03.2011
Structure of Organized crime enforcement department Chief of the Organized Crime Enforcement Department Information analysis unit (group) 1st Unit Operational investigation of organized criminal groups 2st Unit Enforcement of Illegal turnover of drugs and precursors 3nd Unit Enforcement of trafficking in human beings
Combating trafficking in human beings in Latvia There is an effective legislative regulation with a proportional mechanism of punishment in this crime sphere developed in Latvia : it is prescribed that those offences that are committed within the territory of the Republic of Latvia and that correspond to the concept of trafficking in human beings also are considered as trafficking in human beings; foreign citizens and stateless persons who do not have a permanent residence permit in Latvia and who have committed crimes in the territory of another country but against Latvia or interests of its inhabitants, can be brought to trial in accordance with the Criminal Law if those persons have committed serious and especially serious crimes; the duration of detention foreseen for sending persons for sexual exploitation is increased to over five years, thus prescribing it as a serious crime, with the aim to ensure rights to the special procedural protection for victims, witnesses, suspects, the accused, persons on trial, and the convicted;
Characterization of trafficking in human beings in Latvia Tendency of globalization of the trafficking in human beings Rarely Latvian citizens–recruiters organize the last stage on their own, without help of persons from other countries – create and organize prostitution in flats in England, Norway, Germany. Young women without mediation of recruiters join together and come to Western countries as tourists in order to provide sexual services there. After accession to the European Union Latvian women are full- fledged EU citizens and are authorized to be legally employed in prostitution in many Member States of the EU. Local police authorities do not control very carefully local souteneurs who exploit Latvian citizens.
Combating trafficking in human beings in Latvia ● Work of law enforcement agencies A special unit of 19 police officers is involved in the fight against trafficking in human beings and operates under Organized Crime Enforcement Department. Additionally there are 4 regional inspectors –the principle training the trainees. International cooperation in combating trafficking in human beings with the Baltic States, Nordic countries, Germany, Belarus and other countries, comprehensive joint investigations and detaining operations. Cooperation with non-governmental organizations in the rehabilitation of victims of trafficking in human beings, in training specialists and educating society. Preventive work in educating society, especially young people.
Combating trafficking in human beings in Latvia Legal aspect A person who commits taking advantage, for purposes of enrichment, of a person who is engaged in prostitution is not only fundator (souteneur).
Operation Ruksis Arrested 17 persons who commits taking advantage, for purposes of enrichment, of a person who is engaged in prostitution. Only 3 are souteneurs, others- taxi drivers, hotel stuff ( securty, reception).
Operation Slampe Start point. 2008. Latvian THB Unit for sending a person with his or her consent for sexual exploitation, if commission there of is by an organized group, arrested 2 Latvian citizens.
Crossborder cooperation with Germany. Operation Slampe Crossborder cooperation with Germany. Year 2010. 3 persons arrested by Germany police.
Year 2011. Latvian THB Unit arrested 3 Latvian citizens. Operation Slampe Cooperation goals Year 2011. Latvian THB Unit arrested 3 Latvian citizens.
Operation Slampe Latvia 2008. Germany 2010. Latvia 2011
Characterization of trafficking in human beings in Latvia Tendency of the readiness element Recruiters agree with victims on the basis of mutual advantage, or women themselves without mediators go abroad where they provide sexual services. After returning home persons who were involved in providing sexual services abroad often involve in this occupation their relatives or acquaintances, thus creating a kind of a chain.
e-mail: Thank you for your attention! Arturs Vaišļa State Police Republic of Latvia Phone: +371 67075344 +371 29640078 e-mail: