Rene Magritte November 21, 1898 – August 15, 1967
Rene Magritte Belgian Surrealist painter known for his witty and thought-provoking images earliest paintings date from 1915 were Impressionistic in style studied at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels from 1916 to 1918
Magritte was born and died in Belgium
Surrealism Surrealism began as a philosophical movement that said the way to find truth in the world was through the subconscious mind and dreams, rather than through logical thought. The movement began in the mid-1920s in France and was born out of an earlier movement called Dadaism from Switzerland. It reached its peak in the 1930s.
The Son of Man 1964
The Treachery of Images 1928–29 "Ceci n'est pas une pipe The Treachery of Images 1928–29 "Ceci n'est pas une pipe.", French for "This is not a pipe."
The Empire of Lights 1953-1954
Time Transfixed 1938
The False Mirror 1928