Pagan- a follower of a polytheistic religion Word of the Day! Pagan- a follower of a polytheistic religion
What are the basic beliefs of Christianity?
Basic Beliefs of Christianity: Monotheistic: The belief in only one god. They refused to worship Roman gods This was against Roman law Believe that there is a true Heaven and Hell.
Basic Beliefs of Christianity: God is three in One, The Trinity: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the son of God The Bible is the “inspired” word of God.
What are the basic beliefs of Roman Religion?
Roman Religion: Polytheism: The belief in many gods. Many Romans practiced a pagan religion – worship of many gods. Roman emperors allowed many different religious beliefs to exist. Romans insisted that people must offer religious sacrifices to the emperor because of his divine powers. Divine: Power given by the gods
Roman Religion: Romans Conquer Judea Rome conquers Judea, home of the Jews; makes it part of the empire in A.D. 6 Many Jews believe in a coming Messiah (meaning anointed one), or savior, who will eventually free them.
Roman Religion: The only group not required to treat the emperor as a god was the Hebrews. When Caesar Augustus was emperor, Jesus of Nazareth was born in Judea.
Christianity: Jesus of Nazareth Jesus was born in Bethlehem sometime around 6 to 4 B.C. He is a carpenter until about the age 30 when he begins preaching. According to the four Gospels (of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) Jesus is said to perform miracles. He stresses a personal relationship with God, love for friends and enemies.
Christianity: A Growing Movement Apostles: from the Greek word “apostolos” means literally “someone sent out.” These are twelve men who are close disciples of Jesus. Jesus ignores wealth and status; his message appeals to the poor. Jesus became the founder of the new religion called Christianity.
Christianity: After three years of Jesus’ ministry, some Jewish leaders denounced him. He was arrested by Roman soldiers. Pontius Pilate – the Roman governor – sentenced him to death by crucifixion. Apostles believe Jesus resurrected from the dead and ascended into heaven. Jesus comes to be called “Christos,” the Greek word for “savior.” The word Christian and Christianity is derived from that word.
Christianity: Disciples: followers of Jesus spread Jesus’ teachings to other parts of the world Paul and Peter (two men responsible for spreading Christianity), along with thousands of other Christians were killed during the rule of Emperor Nero.
Persecution of the Christians: Persecution: Causing injury or distress to others because of their religion, race, or political beliefs. Christians won’t worship the Roman gods or the emperor. They are considered enemies. Emperor Nero uses Christians as scapegoats for hard times. As Pax Romana crumbles, Christians are crucified, burned, and killed in the arenas.
Christianity’s Expansion: Christianity becomes a powerful force and appeals to people because of these reasons: Embraces all people Gives hope to the powerless Appeals to those repelled by extravagance of Roman life Offers a personal relationship with God Promises eternal life after death
Christianity’s Expansion: Constantine Accepts Christianity Constantine—Roman emperor battles for control of Rome in A.D. 312. He has a vision of a cross—the Christian symbol—and places it on soldiers’ shields. He believes Christian God helped him win the battle and legalizes Christianity. In A.D. 380 Christianity becomes the religion of the empire.
How has Christianity impacted the world today?