Russia Middle East China South-East Asia North America Europe Energy needs oil and gas based economy China South-East Asia Energy needs coal resources, strongly growing economy North America Energy needs big country, used to mobility Europe Energy needs strong in engineering, envioronmental protection & health Africa South America Energy needs biomass burning, interest in tourism & export Home affairs Public satisfaction Inner stability Guarantee for the provision of general needs Economy Affordable energy for industry and commerce Guarantee of economic growth Keep companies in the country Foreign affairs Outer security Dialogue with partner countries Economic independence from insecure regions Family & Education Good living conditions for children Education for sustainable development Research Investment in new technologies Competitiveness in future markets Car industry large employment sector fuel alternatives expensive gives economic stability high risk of migration to other countries Trade company exotic goods are popular high mobility and long transport required acceleration in develop- ment and consumption Metal industry high needs in energy renewables too expensive strong competition with other countries Renewables Investments for further research needed Tax advantages for pilot phase EcoBalance calculation needed Tourism Large employment sector Economic chance for developing countries intercultural exchange mobility and exotic trips are customer preferences
Wind Power Bio Fuels Gas & Oil Nuclear Power Solar Power Anti- nuclear 45 – 150 $ / MWh Electricity-Generating Costs Wind Power medium-term competitive spacial barrier unlimited resources 40 – 100 $ / MWh Electricity-Generating Costs Bio Fuels medium-term competitive limited cultivation land regrowing resources 40 – 65 $ / MWh Electricity-Generating Costs Gas & Oil relatively low cost mid term availability emission problems 30 – 50 $ / MWh Electricity-Generating Costs Nuclear Power mid / long term availability persistent waste low cost 200 – 300 $ / MWh Electricity-Generating Costs Solar Power still very expensive improvements required unlimited resources Anti- nuclear Free trade, old power plants and terrorism imply high dangers Waste problem not solved Burden for next generation Pro- Sun Invest in photovoltaics Save power and pay more for it Higher tax on fossil fuels and tax on aircraft fuel Anti- fossil Avoid greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, methane) Keep remaining resources for next generations Avoid pollution through leakage and oil loss at sea Pro- Bio Increase rape oil production and reforestation Promote local ecological agronomy and short transportation distances Sustai- nable Invest in new technologies in developing countries Promote local markets and trade instead of large export and tourism Commuter House in the countryside long way to workplace bad public transport cheap fuel needed high heating demands Ecological Buys organic food and goods energy saving in household and transport Low income Can only afford goods from low salary countries Ecobalance consideration increases household costs Traveller Interest in travel and other cultures Prefers high mobility and freedom Several holidays per year Upper class Renewables and eco- products are affordable Require luxury goods (large house, car, pool, sauna, ... )