E-mail: gmaas@cad.coventry.ac.uk PMI2 Employability and Enterprise project with a university partner in China Dr. Gideon Maas Director IAE Coventry University E-mail: gmaas@cad.coventry.ac.uk
Vision of CU and its relevance to entrepreneurship Vision: We aspire to be a dynamic, global, enterprising university. We will work in partnership with external organisations through our research and engage our students as partners in a community of learning.” One of the value’s: We seek to foster excellence, innovation, creativity and enterprise among our students, staff, and partner organisations.
Rationale for project Implementation of a Masters programme in Global Entrepreneurship To facilitate the creation of: sustainable opportunity-orientated globally competitive entrepreneurial businesses
Anticipated outcomes Implementation of a UK best practice programme international Development of joint business relationships International competitive UK businesses
Good proposal so what can go wrong?
Challenges Cultural differences Entrepreneurship within UK vs. China Technology e.g. video conferencing Level of entrepreneurial readiness Uncertainty of agreed outcomes Mutuality Really knowing each other
Cultural differences Formal induction (stand up throughout the introduction) Don’t show much emotion when being introduced Avoid saying “no” as this is seen as embarrassing for your hosts Silence is respected, used for contemplation Seating in the negotiation has guest at head of table facing the door, host at the other end with back to the door Try to eat some of everything and look like you are enjoying the food Buying gifts are very important. Shows a sign of respect for your host
Target markets Growth High potential UG PG Saleable skills? Start-up Low potential UG PG Saleable skills? Start-up
MA in Global Entrepreneurship Personal entrepreneurial development Wave Entrepreneurship coaching Entrepreneurship development Managing in an entrepreneurial way Opportunity recognition Managing diversity Business development Strategic entrepreneurship Profitability and financial performance Human resource development for entrepreneurs Marketing for entrepreneurs Integration Research methods Applied dissertation
The Golden Rules of China Everything is possible Nothing is easy Western business logic does not usually apply It is a fun project if there is no deadlines You must be patient – things come your way eventually but slowly “You don’t know China” means they disagree “New regulations” means they don’t want to do it “Basically, no problem” means Big problem When you are optimistic, think about rule NO. 2 When you are discouraged, think about rule NO. 1
The future Staff exchanges Student exchanges Business creation Global mindsets and the common good Undergraduate and post-graduate
Are these relationships important? A definite yes – because of differences we learn far better Enormous word of thanks to the British Council who supports the formation of these type of relationships
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