Feedback Xs Xi Xo + - Xf βf What is feedback? Taking a portion of the signal arriving at the load and feeding it back to the input. What is negative feedback? Adding the feedback signal to the input so as to partially cancel the input signal to the amplifier. Doesn’t this reduce the gain? Yes, this is the price we pay for using feedback. Why use feedback? Provides a series of advantages, such as:- 1-Gain desensitivity 2-Bandwidth extension 3-Noise reduction 4-Improves amplifier linearity
Feedback Amplifier Analysis Xs Xi Xo + - Xf βf
General feedback structure Open loop gain Loop gain sedr42021_0801.jpg Closed-loop gain
Basic Types of Feedback Amplifiers Depending upon :- Output can be a current or a voltage Input can be a current or a voltage There are four types of feedback amplifiers (Type of input) (Type of output) (1) Series (Voltage) Shunt (Voltage) (2) Series (Voltage) Series (Current) (3) Shunt (Current) Shunt (Voltage) (4) Shunt (Current) Series (Current) Terminology used to name types of feedback amplifier:- First term refers to nature of feedback connection at the input. Second term refers to nature of connection at the output.
Feedback topologies (1) Series (Voltage) -Shunt (Voltage)
Feedback topologies (2) Series (Voltage) -Series (Current)
Feedback topologies (3) Shunt (Current)-Shunt (Voltage)
Feedback topologies (4) Shunt (Current)-Series (Current)
Basic Types of Feedback Amplifiers Series - Shunt Shunt - Series Series - Series Shunt - Shunt
Method of Feedback Amplifier Analysis Recognize the feedback amplifier’s configuration, e.g. Series-shunt Calculate the appropriate gain A for the amplifier, e.g. voltage gain. This includes the loading effects of the feedback circuit (some combination of resistors) on the amplifier input and output. Calculate the feedback factor βf Calculate the factor βf A Calculate the feedback amplifier’s gain with feedback Af using:- Calculate the input and output impedance.
Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier - Ideal Case feedback amplifier voltage gain Af input resistance Rif output resistance Rof Basic Amplifier Feedback Circuit Equivalent Circuit for Feedback Amplifier
Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier - Ideal Case Midband Gain Input Resistance Output Resistance For output impedance we have to make input voltage short circuit means Vs=0 It Vt