On a new page, miss the top two lines and… List as many things as you can that you would count as “work.”
2.2 Disagreements about the Sabbath Explain why conflicting views about the Sabbath led to a problem for the Pharisees Express your own opinions about how the Sabbath should be observed Give points of view, with reasons, about how this relates to issues of social community cohesion.
The Origins of the Sabbath
Day 1 God created light. God created day and night.
Day 2 God separated the sky from the waters.
Day 3 God made dry land. God caused plants to grow.
Day 4 God created the sun to govern the day. God created the moon to govern the night.
Day 5 God created fish and birds.
Day 6 God created animals and people.
Day 7 God rested
The Ten Commandments Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.
The Torah The Torah prohibits work on the Sabbath, but not all work. The Torah prohibits Melachah: work that is creative, or that exercises control or dominion over your environment. Why do you think that this type of work is prohibited? (think about the origins of the law)
Types of Melachah Sowing Ploughing Reaping Binding sheaves Threshing Winnowing Selecting Grinding Sifting Kneading Baking Shearing wool Washing wool Travel Beating wool Dyeing wool Spinning Weaving Making two loops Weaving two threads Separating two threads Tying Untying Sewing two stitches Tearing Trapping Slaughtering Buying and selling Salting meat Curing hide Scraping hide Cutting hide up Writing two letters Erasing two letters Building Tearing a building down Extinguishing a fire Kindling a fire Hitting with a hammer transporting an object in the public domain. Flaying What about driving a car?
Disagreements about the Sabbath Read Mark 2:23-28 Read Mark 3:1-6 Activity 3 What was Jesus’ response to the Pharisees, in the first passage? How did the events lead to conflict with the Jewish authorities? (8) Why did Jesus use King David as an example? Is it right that rules can be broken under certain circumstances? Explain your answer. (Bullet Points)
2.2 Christians Today Read page 35 Christians adopted the 10 Commandments from the Old Testament. The Sabbath (Saturday) was moved to Sunday. Christians believe that Sunday is a day of rest but how do you think their attitude to it can differ from the Jewish attitude to the Sabbath? How can these teachings lead to issues of social and community cohesion? How do you think the day of rest should be observed? “Jesus deliberately upset the Pharisees?” Give reasons to support your answer Give reasons why some people may disagree with you “Shops should be allowed to open on Sundays” Do you agree? Explain (3) Why would some disagree with you? (3) (Bullet Points)
2.2 Disagreements about the Sabbath Explain why conflicting views about the Sabbath led to a problem for the Pharisees Express your own opinions about how the Sabbath should be observed Give points of view, with reasons, about how this relates to issues of social community cohesion.
Homework Complete the class work
Community Cohesion Community cohesion refers to the aspect of togetherness and bonding exhibited by members of a community, the "glue" that holds a community together. This might include features such as a sense of common belonging or cultural similarity. BACK
How did it lead to conflict? Humiliated the leaders Broke the law The authorities were looking for trouble Jesus showed his power in front of a crowd The authorities were wrong and Jesus had to cause conflict to allow changes to be made. BACK
How can these teachings lead to issues of social and community cohesion? Different faiths have different special days. You cannot make everybody observe all of them. Employers should not be forced to allow “holy” days off. Not all people are religious. It can damage a company to have to allow all the days off. Back
Christians today Jesus heals the man showing the powers of God and that he is the Son of God The fact that Jesus heals shows that we can pray for healing today It shows that we do not have to rest on Sundays because Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for the man and not the man for the Sabbath. This would apply to Sunday as well. The fact that the Pharisees were in the corn field shows that they were trying to trap Jesus. He got into conflict because people did not understand him and because they did not want to understand.