Fill in this sentence to show your country’s foreign policy before WWII Because 1 ___________ _______________________________________, we wish to 2 __ _______________________________________, in order to 3 __ ___________________________________________. 1st line – Background info: what your country is feeling 2nd line – Goal: what they want in the world 3rd line – Explanation: reason for their goal
Journal: How do you think this story connect to Hitler’s aggressions in Europe and how countries responded before WWII?
Event 1:The Czechoslovakia Crisis 1938
Event 2: The Violation of the Munich Pact 1939
The Appeasement Policy = giving in to keep the peace
Appeasement Policy Today: Iran, North Korea Recent past - Iraq
“Peace In Our Time!” Show at 2:10
Make a quarter sheet for the quiz! And divide it into 8 boxes: * 1 for foreign policies * 7 for each of the 7 events of WWII
Event 3:The Invasion of Poland 1939
The Non-Aggression Pact
Event 3:The Invasion of Poland 1939
Event 4: The Invasion of France 1940
Chamberlain Resigned – Churchill takes over 1940 Show at minute 21 (5)
Event 5: The Battle of Britain 1940
Battle of Britain ”We shall fight”: Show at 1:20 “Battle of Britain” video: show at 8:00
Event 6: The Invasion of the Soviet Union 1941-1944
Battle of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) – longest siege 1941-1944 “Siege of Leningrad”
Battle of Stalingrad 1942
Allies Send Supplies Through Iran, India
Event 7: Operation Overlord (D-Day)
Northern coast of France = Normandy
Normandy Beaches
The Hoax What the Germans expected (Enigma collected German intelligence Dummy Landing Craft Inflatable Tank German Aerial Photo of Dummy Craft in Dover Harbor
Hitler’s Atlantic Wall
The Plan and the Casualties
On the back of your events packet draw this timeline, with 7 boxes on top and on bottom. Events 1-7 Annotated Timeline Event 1 Sentence Summary Year The most important response