What is Mathematics and Statistics? The NZ curriculum describes maths as "the exploration and use of patterns and relationships in quantities, space and time" and statistics as "the exploration and use of patterns and relationships in data."
Why did it change? Rote skills but no understanding: The numeracy project came about between 2000 - 2009
Teachers learnt a lot about how children best learn AND THINK What were the benefits? Teachers learnt a lot about how children best learn AND THINK Number knowledge Number strategy TRY THIS At the car park there are 12 cars in each row. How many cars would there be in five rows?
Children’s explanations? One involves adding One involves using known times tables One involves knowing how numbers work
How can a focus on children’s thinking help? Notice what students’ can do Make decisions based on what students’ know Press for understanding
But it needed to evolve. Things were missing - mindsets about maths
With this thinking we are looking differently about how we deliver maths to kids.
We need to move from maths as a set of calculations to: Maths related to play Maths related to the world around us Maths related to our topics we are studying Maths with a purpose Numbers in statistics, measurement, geometry
But what about basic facts Never throw out the baby with the bath water Maths knowledge is needed (ordering numbers, knowing place value, and basic facts) BUT using it or thinking is MORE important.
What else has evolved? Number talks
WE ARE ON THIS JOURNEY AS: A Community who learn and grow together Jo Boaler videos Youcubed Where to learn more Jo Boaler videos Youcubed
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