AERIAL/LOCATION MAP 29.18 +/- acre vacant site Located south side of Clubhouse Dr., west of Palm Harbor Pkwy. Previously the ITT/Levitt Model Center site Bordered by largely built-out neighborhoods comprised of primarily single family residential units and a public golf course Rezoned to Old Hammock Cove MPD (PUD) in 2005 for multifamily Clubhouse Dr. Development Parcel Sesame Island 10 Peylo Place
FUTURE LAND USE MAP FLUM DESIGNATION Residential Finding: RESIDENTIAL:COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ZONING DISTRICT COMPLIANCE Residential Finding: SFR-2 and P&G permitted zoning district within Residential FLUM designation ADJACENT FLUM DESIGNATION Greenbelt
CONCEPTUAL SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN DEVELOPMENT Proposed Development: 21.84 +/- acres Number of Units: Approx. 55 single family Density: Approx. 2.5 du/acre *(Max: 5 du/ac) Max Height: 35 ft. Land Dedication: 7.35 +/-acres Total Acres: 29.18 +/-acres Sesame Island Clubhouse Dr.
PREVIOUS MPD CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN DEVELOPMENT Proposed Development: 29.18 +/- acres Number of Units: 133 Multi-Family 3 Single Family Density: Approx. 4.7 du/acre Max Height: 45 ft. (Multi-family) Total Acres: 29.18 +/-acres Clubhouse Dr. Sesame Island
EXISTING CONDITIONS Top left: Facing southwest looking along front of site. Top right: Facing southwest looking at existing dock and proposed development area. Bottom left: Facing west looking at the proposed area of development. Bottom right: Facing northwest looking at a portion of Sesame Island from golf course.
REZONING STANDARDS ULDC Chapter 2 Part II Section 2.05.05 A. In conflict with the public interest? No, the proposed rezoning will allow development that is similar in character to and in harmony with surrounding area. B. Development consistent with the Comprehensive Plan? Yes, the SFR-2 and P&G Zoning Districts are consistent with the Residential FLUM; the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Significant financial liability or hardship for the City? No, infill development. Public infrastructure in place. D. Creating a hazard, nuisance or threat? None are anticipated. Future development is subject to current requirements of the ULDC. E. Compliance with other criteria? All future site development must comply with ULDC and other regulatory requirements.
REZONING STANDARDS ULDC Chapter 2, Part II, Section 2.06.03: 1. Consistent with all adopted elements of the Comprehensive Plan? Yes, consistent with and furthers the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Impact on environment & natural resources? Developer proposes to rezone Sesame Island to P&G for tree preservation. Other site specific impacts will be addressed through the development criteria of the ULDC. 3. Impact on the economy of the affected area? Proposed development may create job opportunities in construction sector, improve real estate values, generate new business, and increase property and sales tax revenues. 4. Impact upon government services? All government services must remain within acceptable Level of Service standards in conformance with the ULDC; request decreases impacts over previously approved rezoning. 5. Changes in circumstances? Yes, the proposed rezoning reflects the changed economic and real estate market conditions since the previous rezoning.
REZONING STANDARDS ULDC Chapter 2, Part II, Section 2.06.03: 6. Compatible with development patterns, proximate uses? Yes, the area is dominated by single family residential neighborhoods zoned predominantly SFR-2 and SFR-3. The P&G district is compatible with the public golf course that surrounds the property.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE STAFF FINDINGS: Consistent with all respective elements of the Comprehensive Plan and more particularly: Chapter 1 Future Land Use Element: GOAL 1.1: ESTABLISHMENT OF FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS AND THE ZONING DISTRICTS Objective 1.1.4 – Discourage Urban Sprawl: Promote compact and contiguous development, a mixture of land uses, and discourage urban sprawl. Chapter 3 Housing Element: GOAL 3.3: MAINTAIN THE HOUSING STOCK & PROTECT RESIDENTIAL AREAS Objective 3.3.5 – Protect Residential Areas from Inappropriate Land Uses: Protect predominantly residential areas from the intrusion of incompatible or more intensive land uses.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the Planning and Land Development Regulation Board recommend to City Council to approve Application #2511, rezoning the subject property from MPD (Master Planned Development) to SFR-2 (Single Family Residential-2) and P&G (Parks and Greenways).