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Presentation transcript:

Presentation to XMSF SG IDEF Basics Presentation to XMSF SG Fall 2004 SIW 22-24 September 2004 Roy Scrudder Chair, HLA Evolved Product Development Group Applied Research Labs, Univ of TX 512.835.3857

Topics What is IDEF? A bit of History The IDEF Standards IDEF0 IDEF3 IDEF1X

IDEF History A series of graphical notations (just like UML is a series of notations) Originated in the 1970s. Originally brought together (but not integrated) through the USAF Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing (ICAM) project as ICAM Definition (IDEF) languages Subsequently renamed as Integration Definition (IDEF) Languages

IDEF Languages IDEF0 – Activity Modeling* IDEF1 – Data modeling (not in use) IDEF1X – Data modeling* IDEF1X97, aka, IDEFObject, aka IEEE 1320.2 – Data modeling with O-O extension IDEF2 – Simulation Modeling (dynamics model) IDEF3 – Process capture method IDEF4 – Object-Oriented Design Method IDEF5 – Ontology Description * 99% of the time when someone talks about “their IDEF” they mean IDEF0 and IDEF1X (and there’s no way to know which one)

IDEF0 Activity Modeling Language Originated in the commercial sector as Structured Analysis Design Technique (SADT) Standardized as FIPS 183, later withdrawn, NIST did not want to duplicate industry standards Heavily used in DoD DoD Architecture Framework OV-5, Operational Activity Model Support the structured decomposition of processes and associated data. Developed by Bob Brown under contract to the Bank or America. Originally called ADAM within B of A and DMT (Data Modeling Technique) outside. IDEF1 was a completely different language. DMT adopted by USAF as IDEF1X (from Dan Appleton Company) for the ICAM (Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing) project. As such, became public domain. IDEF1X = ICAM Definition Language (USAF) IDEF1X = Integration Definition for Information Modeling (DISA/CIM and NIST) Introduce Bruce’s book as the primary documentation currently available for IDEF1X A large number of government and commercial customers use IDEF1X. Has been approved as an Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) to the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), formerly NBS. IDEF1X and IDEF0 has become the standard for CIM. Summary: IDEF1X was chosen by JDBE as a standard because: 1. It is not proprietary 2. It is more robust than other non-proprietary standards 3. It is being adopted as FIPS 184 4. It is the mandated by the DoD CIM program.

IDEF0 Activity Model sales policy postal regulations rejected order Receive Orders order details Reference: Bruce: Section 3.1.3 IDEF0 is being used as the standard for activity modeling under the CIM initiative. IDEF = ICAM Definition ICAM = Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing. Both IDEF0 and IDEF1X were adopted by the Air Force under the ICAM project, but they are independent tools. The IDEF0 modeling notation evolved from Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT) by SofTech. SofTech SADT models were identified as IDEF0 when used for Air Force contracts. IDEF0 models do not have data stores. It is best to picture the model as containing one large data store. IDEF0 models, like the data flow diagrams, normally only show flows to external entities on a top-level diagram called the context diagram. We will discuss levels of diagrams later. IDEF0 diagrams show inputs entering activities on the right and output flows existing on the left. They can represent material in addition to data. This adds to its usefulness in business process redesign. IDEF0 also has structures to represent controls and mechanisms. We will discuss this later. IDEF0 and IDEF1X complement each other. However, it is not necessary to use IDEF0 with IDEF1X. The case study in the textbook has a dataflow diagram (page 297, Figure 13.1) shipping details shipment Ship Orders shipping confirmation invoice Receive Payments payment packaging machine accounting software

IDEF0 Model Components CONTROL OUTPUT INPUT MECHANISM Activity Data that restricts or provides direction for an activity Required for every activity INPUT Information or materials used to produce activity outputs Not required for every activity OUTPUT Information or materials produced by the activity Required for every activity Read from the left and go clockwise: I, C, O, M Inputs: Example: sales order, vendor parts, raw material, etc. Example of an input that is not required is a creative thought process. Also, note that inputs can represent material flowing through processes. This is not allowed in dataflow diagrams. Controls: Example: Tax Laws, DoD Directives, State Laws, Internal Procedures, etc. Outputs: Example: deliverable product, completed report, etc. Mechanisms: Example: machine operators, lathe, payroll system, etc. Read: An activity is the transformation of inputs into outputs performed by mechanisms under the constraints set by controls. Activity MECHANISM Performs the activity (people, machines, systems, etc.) Required for every activity

An Alternative to Activity Modeling Yourdon/DeMarco Dataflow Diagram External System The Yourdon/DeMarco diagramming method is essentially the same but uses different symbols Large square cornered rectangles are external entities Circles are processes Names with lines above and below are data stores Arrows are data flows The EMETF uses a commercial computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tool, Software through Pictures, which supports both Yourdon/DeMarco and Gane/Sarson data flow diagramming. In addition, it supports the modeling of control via Hatley/Pirbhai diagramming techniques. These include: State-transition diagrams (commonly used in electrical engineering) Process activation tables and a variety of other control specification tables. Process Data Flow Data Store

IDEF3 Process Capture Method

IDEF3 Notation Elements

IDEF1X Data Modeling Language Integration Definition for Information Modeling (IDEF1X) Originated in the commercial sector Standardized as FIPS 184 Heavily used in DoD DoD Architecture Framework Core Architecture Data Model states in IDEF1X OV-7, Logical Data Model calls for stating an overall data model, IDEF1X commonly used Command and Control Data Model (C2IEDM) stated in IDEF1X Developed by Bob Brown under contract to the Bank or America. Originally called ADAM within B of A and DMT (Data Modeling Technique) outside. IDEF1 was a completely different language. DMT adopted by USAF as IDEF1X (from Dan Appleton Company) for the ICAM (Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing) project. As such, became public domain. IDEF1X = ICAM Definition Language (USAF) IDEF1X = Integration Definition for Information Modeling (DISA/CIM and NIST) Introduce Bruce’s book as the primary documentation currently available for IDEF1X A large number of government and commercial customers use IDEF1X. Has been approved as an Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) to the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), formerly NBS. IDEF1X and IDEF0 has become the standard for CIM. Summary: IDEF1X was chosen by JDBE as a standard because: 1. It is not proprietary 2. It is more robust than other non-proprietary standards 3. It is being adopted as FIPS 184 4. It is the mandated by the DoD CIM program.

IDEF1X Based on the Relational Model One Value per Cell EMPLOYEE Emp-ID Emp-Name Emp-Address D99001 John Smith 101 Main Street IDEF1X is based on the relational model, although it can be used to state requirements for any type of data storage (hierarchical, flat file, etc). Key points of the relational model: Data are arranged in tables consisting of rows and columns Rows are uniquely identified by the data in one or more columns The data needed to tie tables together are contained in the tables. As opposed to: A hierarchical model data are linked by pointers not visible to the user each parent node has one or more children A network model data linked by pointers no strict concept of parent/child D99002 Mary Jones 205 Fifth Street D99007 Ralph Mertz 11A Snark Street LABOR HOURS Unique Identification Emp-ID Week-Ending Hours-Worked D99001 07 Oct 93 40 D99001 15 Oct 93 50 D99007 07 Oct 93 40 Data Migration

IDEF1X Data Model CUSTOMER LOCATION PRODUCT PURCHASE ORDER customer-id product-no bldg-no customer-name customer-address product-name bldg-address IDEF1X is the richest data modeling technique. Attributes and keys are displayed (at the key-based level). Data migration is evident and understandable Database access structures are visible (inversion entries, alternate keys, etc.) Can be used without a CASE tool but a CASE tool is highly recommended though. Based on relational model. PURCHASE ORDER PRODUCT-INVENTORY customer-id (FK) po-no product-no (FK) bldg-no (FK) PO-LINE-ITEM product-no (FK) customer-id (FK) po-no (FK)

IDEF1X Notation Elements

Types of Data Models Models ENTITY-RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM AREA MODELS KEY-BASED MODEL LOGICAL MODELS FULLY ATTRIBUTED MODEL FULLY ATTRIBUTED MODEL FULLY ATTRIBUTED MODEL Reference: Area information models: Bruce: Section 3.2 Entity relationship diagrams: Bruce: Section Example: Entity relationship diagrams: Bruce: Section 13.2 (This is an excellent example of how to construct an ER diagram) Definition: Area Information Model An information model that covers a wide business area. The data encompassed by the ERD will potentially cover many applications. We will start by describing an entity relationship diagram Definition: Entity Relationship Diagram An information model that shows the major entities and relationships that support a wide business area. Not all entities are shown in the ERD--more will be discovered at lower levels of detail. ERD will not be in 3rd normal form. The ERD supports broad planning--it is for presentation and discussion. PROJECT MODELS TRANSFORM MODEL TRANSFORM MODEL TRANSFORM MODEL PHYSICAL MODELS DBMS MODEL

Entity-Level Data Model

C2IEDM Fully-Attributed Data Model

C2IEDM Candidate Target List Subject Area