XBRL International Conference “A Roadmap for use of XBRL in Federal Financial Statements ” Don.geiger@do.treas.gov REG06: Wednesday December 6, 2006 2:00 – 2:30 Location: Grand Ballroom A Philadelphia, PA
My involvement in XBRL Strayer University, Academic Member XBRL.ORG Adjunct Professor Governmental Accounting & AIS Leader Governmental XBRL CoP Involved XBRL US Inc.- Public Sector WG US Treasury, DCFO, Financial Systems Integration Office (Treasury Departmental, not GWA)
Google – Governmental XBRL CoP
My Public Sector Focus XBRL in Federal Financial Statements Financial Statements, Financial Transactions, Financial Rules The encompasses two area in XBRL FR Financial Reporting Statements, footnotes, MDA, FR repository, rules GL Global Ledger Transactions, trial balance, core financial system, rules
My Sessions here at Convention Internal Reporting GL – Global Ledger Wednesday 11:00 – 11:45 Regulatory Reporting FR – Financial Reporting Wednesday 2:00 – 2:30
3nd - U.S. Government Agency - Financial Statements - TAGGED with XBRL
2nd - U.S. Government Agency - Financial Statements - TAGGED with XBRL
The 1st - Government Agency Financial Statements to be TAGGED in XBRL the US Department of Treasury, completed by Strayer University AIS students
The same statement in excel
XBRL-FR Taxonomy based on USSGL, FASAB, OMB A-136
USSGL Financials Accountants report A-136 MD&A Bureau Extension Taxonomy USSGL Financials A-136 Footnotes
Sources of Information for Federal Financial Statements (as is now) Treasury USSGL FASAB Standards Audit Report & Guidance OMB A-136 UNDER THE CURRENT FEDERAL SYSTEM 24/25 CFO ACT AGENCIES The 1990 CFO ACT ESTABLISHED THE CFO COUNCIL AND FASAB FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS ADVISORY BOARD (NOT fasb) In October 1999 AICPA’s designated FASAB as the body that the role of FASAB--promulgates GAAP for federal entities in the United States. The role of Treasury FMS—prepares the consolidated audited financial statements of the U.S. Government The role of OMB, Circular A-136 provides the form and content for financial statements The Role of GAO is the auditor of the US government A little more about the 25 agencies ----------------------Government Agencies--------------------------- USDA DOC DOD ED DOE HHS DHS HUD DOI DOJ DOL DOS DOT TREAS VA USAID EPA GSA NASA NSF NRC OPM SBA SSA
Interactive Financials Sources of Information for Federal Financial Statements (will be with XBRL) Treasury USSGL FASAB Standards Audit Report & Guidance OMB A-136 Dictionary Rules Interactive Financials ----------------------Government Agencies--------------------------- USDA DOC DOD ED DOE HHS DHS DOI DOJ DOL DOS DOT TREAS VA USAID EPA GSA NASA NSF NRC OPM SBA SSA HUD
The 3 areas that make the business case for XBRL in Federal Financials Dictionary Rules Interactive Financials
What do we mean by Interactive Data, using XBRL in Federal Financials Interactive Financials FACTS I USSGL Trial Balance with Attributes 6 Financial Statements Disclosure & Footnotes Required Supplemental Taxonomy Complete Taxonomy In Design Taxonomy Complete Next
The Foundation of Interactive Data, is Structured Data, agreed to in a dictionary Traditional accounting uses debit & credits, journals &ledgers, trial balances & spreadsheet to structure data elements (positional) Modern accounting will use Tagging (virtual positioning) to structure data elements and create interactive elements. Open Source not Proprietary Interactive because we can now unlock the positional data that was previously locked in proprietary accounting software
Dictionary What is a Dictionary?, In the world of US Federal Financial Statements? Similar to the ongoing work of the SEC, FAF & XBRL US Inc. is all about defining the dictionaries for specific industries (C&I, Oil&Gas, Construction, etc) Our dictionary in Federal Financial Management come from the USSGL, FASAB (US GAAP), OMB A-136. Dictionary = Agreement Dictionary = Defines data elements Dictionary = Taxonomy
The USSGL Structure provides the Framework for Federal Financial Reporting Standard Chart of Accounts Standard Transactions Crosswalks to External Reports Crosswalks to GFRS
USSGL - Standard Chart of Accounts Foundation for balance rules Foundation for CAO rules Foundation for FASAB rules, and reference
USSGL – FACTS I Attributes Foundation for XBRL Dimensions USSGL – FACTS I Attributes Foundation for Revenue Recognition rules Foundation for Intra-Governmental Transaction rules
USSGL – defines Standard Transactions Foundation for verification of Transaction rules
USSGL – Specific Transactions codes & description are defined … USSGL – Specific Transactions codes & description are defined …..the structure already exists
USSGL – the standard transactions prescribes the appropriate journal entry Foundation for verification of Budgetary Transaction rules Foundation for verification of Proprietary Transaction rules
The USSGL Chart of Accounts and Standard Transaction provide the basic foundation, but the FMS crosswalks to the financial Statements, provide an even more intricate support
Crosswalk to Financial Statements
USSGL – the Balance Sheet unfolding
Federal Assets – breakout by Intra-Governmental & Assets with Public
The entire Assets Section of the Balance Sheet
Let’s go to the Pallete Setup concept FY2006 Setup concept FY2005 Setup Units
References used in this presentation CFO Agency Par Reports http://cfo.gov/documents/cfo_apar.htm
xBReeze Portal OpenSource-Sample-Govt-Reports