Aeneas and his men Sections 1& 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Aeneas and his men Sections 1& 2

Section 1: lines 180-193 Aeneas scopulum interea conscendit, et omnem               180 prospectum late pelago petit, Anthea si quem iactatum vento videat Phrygiasque biremis, aut Capyn, aut celsis in puppibus arma Caici. navem in conspectu nullam, tres litore cervos prospicit errantes; hos tota armenta sequuntur               185 a tergo, et longum per vallis pascitur agmen. Aeneas meanwhile climbs a cliff and seeks a complete view far and wide over the sea, in case he might catch some sight of someone [such as] Antheus, tossed by the wind and the Trojan biremes, or Capys, or the armour of Caicus on the lofty prow. He observes no ship in view [but] three stags wandering on the shore; the whole herd follows these from behind and the long column grazes along the valley. Phrygius, -a, -um = Phrygian = Trojan biremis, -is = bireme (an ancient warship with two decks of oars) puppis, -is = stern (the back part of a ship) Antheus, Capys, Caicus = Trojan companions of Aeneas

Section 1: lines 180-193 constitit hic, arcumque manu celerisque sagittas corripuit, fidus quae tela gerebat Achates; ductoresque ipsos primum, capita alta ferentes cornibus arboreis, sternit, tum vulgus, et omnem               190 miscet agens telis nemora inter frondea turbam; nec prius absistit, quam septem ingentia victor corpora fundat humi, et numerum cum navibus aequet. He stopped here and took up with his hand the bow and swift arrows, the weapons which faithful Achates  was carrying, and he laid out first the leaders themselves bearing their heads high with branching horns, then he confuses the herd, even driving the whole crowd among the leafy forests with his spears. Nor does he stop before, as victor, he pours out seven mighty bodies onto the ground and matches their number to his ships. Achates = one of Aeneas’ closest companions; his name became a by-word for best friend or intimate companion. He is accompanying Aeneas on this initial reconnoitre of the land on which they find themselves. prius … quam = before

A B B A Long vowel sounds and sibillance imitates the effort involved Aeneas scopulum interea conscendit, et omnem 180 prospectum late pelago petit, Anthea si quem iactatum vento videat Phrygiasque biremis, aut Capyn, aut celsis in puppibus arma Caici. navem in conspectu nullam, tres litore cervos prospicit errantes; hos tota armenta sequuntur       185 a tergo, et longum per vallis pascitur agmen. constitit hic, arcumque manu celerisque sagittas corripuit, fidus quae tela gerebat Achates; ductoresque ipsos primum, capita alta ferentes cornibus arboreis, sternit, tum vulgus, et omnem   190 miscet agens telis nemora inter frondea turbam; nec prius absistit, quam septem ingentia victor corpora fundat humi, et numerum cum navibus aequet. Alliteration & long vowels – long survey of the view Chiasmus A B B A Spondaic line – long survey of the sea Sudden dactyl and switch to perfect tense Long vowel sounds = slow progress of the herd Both terms for the ordinary people of Rome – the the mob, the crowd Dactylic line – swift action Emphatic placement Historic (vivid) present

Section 2: lines 194-209 hinc portum petit, et socios partitur in omnes. vina bonus quae deinde cadis onerarat Acestes               195 litore Trinacrio dederatque abeuntibus heros, dividit, et dictis maerentia pectora mulcet: ‘O socii (neque enim ignari sumus ante malorum) O passi graviora, dabit deus his quoque finem. From here he heads for the port and divides [the deer] among his friends. Then the hero divided the wine which good Acestes had loaded in jars on the Sicilian shore and had given to the departing [Trojans] and he soothes [their] grieving hearts with [his] words. “O comrades (for indeed we are not ignorant of evils before), O sufferers of heavier things, god will also give an end to these”. Acestes = welcomed Aeneas and his companions when they arrived in Sicily, where the funeral games of Aeneas' father Anchises were held. Those of Aeneas' folk who wished to voyage no further were allowed to remain behind with Acestes and cohabit with Acestes' people. Trinacrius, -a, -um = Sicilian

Section 2: lines 194-209 vos et Scyllaeam rabiem penitusque sonantes               200 accestis scopulos, vos et Cyclopea saxa experti: revocate animos, maestumque timorem mittite: forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit. “You approached both the madness of Scylla and the roaring crags, and you experienced the Cyclopean rocks; recall your spirits and banish gloomy fear; and perhaps at some time it will help to remember these things. Scylla = man-eating monster with 6 heads Charybdis (the roaring crags) = destructive whirlpool which you can end up getting sucked into whilst trying to avoid the above man-eating monster Scylla Cyclopean rocks = the Cyclopes were a tribe of one-eyed giants – again, man-eating Scylla & Charybdis

Section 2: lines 194-209 per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum tendimus in Latium; sedes ubi fata quietas               205 ostendunt; illic fas regna resurgere Troiae. durate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis.' talia voce refert, curisque ingentibus aeger spem vultu simulat, premit altum corde dolorem. Through different disasters, through so many crises of things, we are reaching into Latium, where the fates show peaceful dwellings; [it is] right [for] a kingdom of Troy to rise again in that place. Endure, and save yourselves for the things to come.” Saying such things with his voice, weary with huge cares, he pretends hope with his face, he pushes [down] his deep grief. Latium = the region of Italy where the Trojans are destined to settle. vosmet = emphatic form of vos: yourselves.

What are these colours? Can you find more? hinc portum petit, et socios partitur in omnes. vina bonus quae deinde cadis onerarat Acestes                195 litore Trinacrio dederatque abeuntibus heros, dividit, et dictis maerentia pectora mulcet: ‘O socii (neque enim ignari sumus ante malorum) O passi graviora, dabit deus his quoque finem. vos et Scyllaeam rabiem penitusque sonantes                200 accestis scopulos, vos et Cyclopea saxa experti: revocate animos, maestumque timorem mittite: forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit. per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum tendimus in Latium; sedes ubi fata quietas                205 ostendunt; illic fas regna resurgere Troiae. durate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis.' talia voce refert, curisque ingentibus aeger spem vultu simulat, premit altum corde dolorem. What are these colours? Can you find more?