Chapter 0 Introduction
Contact Information Name: 任庆生 Office: 3-523 Tel: 34204420 E-mail: ppt:教学/算法(研)
Programming =algorithm+data structure
Reference M H Alsuwaiyel, Algorithm design technique and analysis, World Scientific, 1999 Alfred V Aho, John E Hopcroft, Jeffery D Ullman, The design and analysis of computer algorithms, Addison-Wesley, 1974 Thomas H Cormen, Charles E Leiserson, Ronald L Rivest, Clifford Stein, Introduction to algorithms (second edition), MIT, 2001 Udi Manber, Introduction to algorithms: a creative approach, Addison-Wesley, 1989
Algorithm design technique and analysis Part 1: Basic Concepts and Introduction to Algorithms Part 2: Techniques Based on Recursion Part 3: First-Cut Techniques Part 4: Complexity of Problems Part 5: Coping with Hardness Part 6: Iterative Improvement for Domain-Specific Problems Part 7: Techniques in Computational Geometry
“I can’t find an efficient algorithm, I guess I’m just too dumb.” Serious damage to your position within the company !!!
“I can’t find an efficient algorithm, because no such algorithm is possible!” Unfortunately, proving intractability can be just as hard as finding efficient algorithms !!! No hope !!! P NP
“I can’t find an efficient algorithm, but neither can all these famous people”
“Anyway, we have to solve this problem. Can we satisfy with a good solution ?”