Fig.1. Dendrogram depicting NJ/ML/MP trees constructed using –MEGA 6 Strain JC272T and 22 others related to type 2 rRNA gene cluster Paraclostridium bifermentans gen. nov. comb. nov. ATCC638T (AVNC01000016)# Paeniclostridium sordellii gen. nov. comb. nov. ATCC9714T (AB075771) Paeniclostridium ghonii comb. nov. ATCC25757T (X73451) Eubacterium_tenuae ATCC25553T (FR749984) Romboustia lituseburensis ATCC25759T (M59107) Intestinibacter barlettii DSM16795T (ABEZ02000021) Terrisporobacter mayomebi DSM6539T (FR733682) Terrisporobacter glycolicus DSM1288T (X76750) Clostridium difficile ATCC1689T (AB075770) Clostridium mangenotii ATCC25761T (FR733662) Clostridium hiranonis JCM10541T (AB023970) Peptostreptococcus stomatis W2278T (DQ160208) Peptostreptococcus russellii RT10-BT (AY167952) Tepidibacter mesophilus B1T (GQ231514) Clostridium thermoalcaliphilum ATCC51508T (FR749953) Clostridium paradoxum 51510T (Z69939) Clostridium sticklandii ATCC12662T (FP565809) Clostridium litorale ATCC49638T (X77845) Clostridium aceticum DSM1496T (Y18183) Clostridium aerotolerans DSM5434T (X76163) Clostridium acidiurici ATCC7906T (M59084) Clostridium butyricum ATCC19398T (AJ458420) and related strains belonging to type 1 rRNA gene cluster Bacillus_subtilis DSM10T (AJ276351) 0.02 88 100 98 99 100 76 100 81 98 100 65 84 93 74 71 Dendrogram depicting NJ/ML/MP trees constructed using –MEGA 6 Full length sequences of 23 strains of Paraclostridium benzoelyticum gen. nov., sp. nov. obtained from various marine sources of Gujarat, India. # = Clostridium bifermentans ATCC638T (AVNC01000016) now proposed for reclassification as type species of the genus Paraclostridium 90 100 100 75 84 100 98 93 100/100/100