By: Diana Reading and Mary Greenhalgh Rome By: Diana Reading and Mary Greenhalgh
Performance Expectation Students will take a virtual field trip to Rome, Italy and will learn about the Colosseum, the Pantheon and Vatican City .
Rome Capital city of Italy Located in the central-western part of Italy Nicknamed the “Eternal City” because of the rich history
Directions Over the next few slides, you will read about three major places within Rome. Read the slides and follow the links to learn about these places. Be sure to take notes on each place. They will be useful to you at the end of this field trip.
Today you will visit… Colosseum Pantheon St. Peter’s Basilica
Colosseum Built by the emperor Titus Flavius Vespasianus Inaugurate by the emperor Titus in the year 80 A.D. Took 8 years to build and rises to a height of 165 feet. Could seat 50,000 spectators Named one of the 7 Wonders of the World in 2007 For more information and a video, visit:
The Arena of the Colosseum Corridors and rooms housed the services necessary for the games: lift, animal cages and stage apparatus. Amphitheatre games consisted of: Gladiatorial combats- fights between men Venationes- men against wild beast Naumachiae- naval battles (the supports in the arena were wood and could be removed to permit the oval to be flooded. For more information and a video, visit:
Pantheon Original building dates back to 27 B.C. The present building goes back to the times of Hadrian and was built between 118 and 125 A.D. Temple dedicated to all the gods (in Greek Pantheos) The temple is a rotunda with an internal diameter of 143 ft. Equal distance from the floor to the top of the dome.
Pantheon Skylight at the top of the dome is the only source of light in the building The kings of Italy and the painter Raphael are buried inside the Pantheon For more information and a video, visit:
St. Peter’s Basilica Located in Vatican City Covers 5.7 acres and can hold over 60,000 people Built on the site where St. Peter was crucified and buried Site where several popes are buried Founded by Constantine in 324 Rebuilt by Renaissance men (including Michelangelo) in 16th century For more pictures and information visit:
Review Click on the correct answer to the questions on the following slides. The correct answer will blink.
Review 1. The Colosseum could seat: A: 25,000 B: 50,000 C: 75,000
Review 2. Which painter is buried in the Pantheon? A. Michelangelo B. Raphael C. Leonardo Da Vinci
Review 3. St. Peter’s Basilica was rebuilt in the _______ century. A. 14th B. 15th C. 16th
Sources 93 random facts about rome. (2009, March 7). Retrieved from Http:// (2007, July 9). Retrieved from Map of italy. (n.d.). Retrieved from Rome picture. (n.d.). Retrieved from Pantheon picture. (n.d). Retrieved from Pantheon picture from sky. (n.d.) Retrieved from