How to Implement Webinar #6 This is your opportunity to be a CHANGE Agent Pamela Decker and John Happs Consultants February 2015 Counselor Corps Grant Development Year
This is What We Are Doing 2
A little Humor to start our morning Is this us today?
Where we started and the steps we have gone through Where we started and the steps we have gone through. This process is from the Interaction Institute for Change
Someone Else’s Thoughts on Implementation Copy Link and play you tube - 3:28 minutes 6
Tools of Implementation Action Plan Phase Tools The Action Plan: Why—this establishes accountability Feedback Loop: Why—this establishes a way to track and evaluate the intermediate results. Gives you a place to make corrections if the plan isn’t giving the necessary outcomes hoped for. Pitfalls: Why—this gives you a way to prevent unintended negative consequences. 7
Action Plan Have you seen this before? . What Who When 8
Feedback Loops This is the ability to change because of the data PLAN THE ACTION EVALUATION CORRECTION 9
The Pitfalls This is not wait and see Plan to change 10
Action Plans Monitoring Tools Start your meetings reviewing the Action Plan Use this as a timeline of events and a way to keep stakeholders on task Use it for acknowledgements of progress Use it as the road map of which way to go, and which way is “out of the way”. 11
Start each meeting Reviewing the Action plan WHAT WHO WHEN STATUS 12
Highlights and Acknowledgements What’s going well Who is doing a GREAT JOB! 13
Implementation Impact Assessment Tools Checkerboard Matrix Performance Goal Actual Planned The variation A What is happening What was planned How big a variation B C D 14
Dimensions/Decisions of Success 6/3/2018 Dimensions/Decisions of Success Relationship People Data People Process People These are all necessary to make a good decision. How do you facilitate? 15
These are things that are going well It would be even better if Plus/Delta These are things that are going well It would be even better if 16
During Implementation Have great meetings—do we need a webinar on running meaningful meetings? Find easy ways to evaluate Attendance rates “F” rates Completion rates Pre/post tests Drop out rates 18
During Implementation Don’t bite off more than you can chew Keep your mission and vision always in the forefront of the change Have great communication with everyone Be consistent Never say “can’t” Make sure your change is “Systemic” 19
April Webinar Measuring/Evaluating and Reporting Results Explanation of the CDE report that is due May 1. See you in the next couple of weeks at one of the required PD’s— Systemic Change Aligning Interventions and Action Plans with SMART Goals Advice from Year 2 Grantees Time to work on your project. 20
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Have a great February and we will see you at one of the trainings in February ! Pam and john and eve