WHAP Unit 4Flash Cards Global Interactions Chapter 15
Indian Ocean Trade Network Trade network fostered by European demand for tropical spices that had to be paid for in gold and silver (with a special focus on silver) 1450-1750 Indian Ocean Relates to Period 4 because shows increasing globalization of trade
The Philippines Controlled by Spain, relatively easily conquered as a trade hub 150-1750 (esp. 1568) Philippines Relates to Period 4 because of Spanish focus on catching up with / competing with others for global colonization / global trade
British / Dutch East India Companies Trade networks that displaced the Portuguese, militarily & economically, as they competed for trade between English & Dutch 1450-1750 Based around Indian Ocean Relates to Period 4 because shows increasing globalization of trade / competition for it
Silver Drain Silver-funneled to China … needed by Chinese to pay taxes 1450-1750 global Relates to Period 4 because silver made the world go around at this time; large supplies were found in the Americas = draw for Europeans
Soft Gold Relates to the fur trade 1450-1750 Americas, Europe, Russia Relates to Period 4 because the fur trade helped increase connections between people