European Influence in the Americas 7-1.5 Compare the differing ways that European nations developed political and economic influences in the Americas, Africa, and Asia
Introduction Europeans focused on the Americas for economic reasons Europeans colonized/settled in the Americas Unlike Asia and Africa
Colony Types
Plantation Colony Mostly Created by Spain and Portugal Purpose: Grow Cash Crops Sugarcane Tobacco Cotton Indigo Relied on manual LABOR Native, Slave, Indentured Servants
Viceroys Used by Spain and Portugal Royal Representatives chosen to monitor colonies
Indentured Servants Mostly used by the British Worked to pay of debts or costs of travel “Redemptioners” Criminals sent to pay their debt to society Sent to Georgia
Trading Posts Dutch set up trade posts in South America French set up trade posts with Native Americans in North America Purpose: Trade Relied on Fish and Fur Trade Allowed French to have positive relationship with natives
French and Indian War British v. French over control of fur trade Indians fought alongside the French against the British Result: British gained control of large amount of French land in the Americas
Settler Colony Purpose: Bring large amounts of people to live First-Jamestown Pilgrims came for religious freedom Mostly British