Consumer Price Indexes Session IV: Expenditure and Price Deflators Meeting of ICP Regional Coordinating Agencies Washington, D.C., USA May 29, 2015
Extrapolation of PPPs: HH Consumption Headings What we wanted… CPI time series for all ICP countries at the most disaggregated level possible
What we found.. Source CPI Series Available Country Coverage All years of interest? Other Notes ILO Main Statistics (monthly) “General” and “Food” 169 (countries, areas and territories) Yes (updated monthly) Gaps in many series Breaks in series: some (not all) old and and new series are linked (joint point generally indicated) Main Statistics (annual) “General”, “General excl. Housing”, “Food”, “Clothing and Footwear”, “Rent”, “Electricity & Gas” No, only up to 2011 Not all series are available for all countries Breaks in series: some (not all) old and new series are linked (joint point generally indicated) IMF World Economic Outlook (WEO) “General” 189 Yes (updated twice a year) Breaks in series: old and new series are linked when there’s a break (no record of where joints where taken) International Financial Statistics (IFS) “General”, “General (Capital City)”, “Harmonized Consumer Price Index” 194 (countries and areas) Haver Analytics EMERGE “General” and other detailed indices (full COICOP sometimes available) 60 Yes (updated continuously) Disaggregated series available mainly for advanced economies Disaggregated CPI classifications not always consistent across countries
Global CPI Collection Initiative IMF, OECD and Eurostat will collect and disseminate detailed national CPI data (i.e. 12 COICOP divisions) for all countries