Rethinking Central Office Supports to Schools The Cluster X Initiative
Overview of Cluster X (10 min) Agenda Overview of Cluster X (10 min) Panel reflection from Cluster X members (30 min) Problem of Practice (35 min) Take a minute to introduce the purpose the problem of practice and using the expertise of the attendees in the room. District of Columbia Public Schools
Centering the Work around Leadership and Instruction Background Centering the Work around Leadership and Instruction Teachers struggling to deliver rigorous content Core Instruction/PD School Culture Leadership/ALT Interventions and Partnerships Leaders raising expectations for students Leaders raising expectations for adults Highlighting that, as a turnaround initiative, we’re focusing on core instruction and NOT on intervention (but shift in mindset is coming gradually) Supporting high-need students & families District of Columbia Public Schools
Principal and Superintendent Interviews Background Principal and Superintendent Interviews Alignment of communication across specialists Timeliness and reliability A deep understanding of the schools What qualities of central office support are essential to your school’s success? Willingness to work alongside the team Subject-matter expertise Strategic thinking and solutions-orientation Responsiveness and sense of urgency Professionalism District of Columbia Public Schools
Cluster X Introduction The Why Cluster X Introduction The “Why”: Belief that principals are the lynchpin of school achievement Belief that offices are high-impact assets for schools The What: Structure based on national models (Memphis, Evansville-Vanderburgh) Routines based on DCPS best practices Principal feedback, existing support models District of Columbia Public Schools
Desired Qualities of a Cluster X School The Schools Desired Qualities of a Cluster X School Stable leadership structures Open to collaborative problem solving School culture and operations typically in place school is able to focus energy on instruction and academic rigor Goals Accelerated Achievement Strong professional culture District of Columbia Public Schools
The Schools Cluster X Schools District of Columbia Public Schools
The Cabinet: More Intentional Supports for Schools Key Concepts Key Structures Urgency Accelerated feedback immediate action “Whatever it takes” mentality Trust Frequent, hands-on interaction Sharing depth of knowledge Leadership Inspiration and accountability Accelerating existing district initiatives Cross-office Cabinet working in concert Identifying opportunities for increased collaboration Weekly and monthly “Stat” meetings with collective data review Boots on the ground Constant, fluid communication District of Columbia Public Schools
Cabinet Member Representation: The Schools The Cabinet Makeup Cabinet Member Representation: ELA Curriculum & Professional Learning Math Curriculum & Professional Learning Early Childhood Curriculum & Professional Learning Leadership Data Mental Health School Climate Attendance Response to Intervention Staffing Partnerships Community Engagement Teacher Evaluation District of Columbia Public Schools
Direct School Supports iZone Cabinet Responsibilities The Work The Work of the Cabinet Each specialist will provide individualized supports to the Cluster X schools. Below are similar responsibilities for all specialists. Direct School Supports Regular school support visits Academic Leadership Team meeting support Principal check-ins iZone Cabinet Responsibilities Weekly Cabinet Meeting Monthly iZone Cluster Meeting Intentional, supported learning Time Commitment Roughly 80 hours per month, inclusive of school visits, principal check-ins, cabinet meetings, cluster meetings, planning time, and travel District of Columbia Public Schools
Driving District Direction for Central Office Support Cluster X Implementation Driving District Direction for Central Office Support Augmenting the work at the school level Shifting the role of the Principal and Instructional Superintendent Providing differentiated support from Central Office Job-embedded support in the building from Cabinet Members Principal as Point Guard Executing on the guidance from the Supts Creating the open, urgent professional culture in the school Delegating specific tasks to specialists and staff Collecting ongoing feedback from specialists Superintendent as Head Coach Leading district and cluster priorities Prioritizing school-based work by highlighting assets and needs Aligning work with high-level, real-time data District of Columbia Public Schools
Reflecting on the Cluster X Experience Cluster X Reflection Reflecting on the Cluster X Experience Principals Andre Samuels – Browne Education Campus Clinton Turner – Walker-Jones Education Campus Central Office Support Dr. Justin Good – School Turnaround Specialist Kristie Lee – Data and Performance Specialist What were your expectations and how did the experience meet or not meet those? What have been challenges? What has been the perception among the district? What is the perception your hoping to create next year? What's the difference between turnaround and school improvement? How has your understanding of the work of the cluster impacted done of the normal talks associated to your job? The purpose of the cluster has been described as schools moving faster further. Based on your role how do you define faster further? In relationship to your role what do you need to assure faster further? What were things that you feel helped to accomplish this or put cluster on track to move faster further? How do you feel our work should change to improve in moving? What skills would a principal or central office leader need in this cluster? What were the mindset changes that need to occur? District of Columbia Public Schools
Principal and Superintendent Interviews Cluster X Reflection Principal and Superintendent Interviews Alignment of communication across specialists Timeliness and reliability A deep understanding of the schools What qualities of central office support are essential to your school’s success? Willingness to work alongside the team Subject-matter expertise Strategic thinking and solutions-orientation Responsiveness and sense of urgency Professionalism District of Columbia Public Schools
Consultancy Protocol: Planning for Year 2 Cluster X Reflection Consultancy Protocol: Planning for Year 2 Quarterly Formal Support Visits Complete walkthroughs with school staff and cabinet members to identify needs Present/review key data points selected by school/central in relationship to CSP Goals Collaboratively identify SMART next steps to be completed in collaboration with cabinet members Structured Supports Cabinet members provide ongoing, targeted support based upon needs identified during the formal support visits Evaluation of Structured Supports Schools & specialists produce artifacts/data to document progress and justify need to increase/decrease supports Inquiry process including classroom walkthroughs and data review determines if need exists for additional work streams District of Columbia Public Schools
Consultancy Protocol: Planning for Year 2 Cluster X Reflection Consultancy Protocol: Planning for Year 2 Challenge: What are the conditions and supports needed to make this support model work? What are the conditions to make this a success? Protocol: 10 min – Clarifying questions 20 min – Group problem solving 5 min – Reflection from DCPS Team District of Columbia Public Schools