SDWIS Prime Community Testing Round 2 July 19
SDWIS Prime User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Overview State/Regional UAT team: NV, IN, NH, AK, FL, CT, EPA R7 Will be doing Round 3 testing July 31 – Aug 4 Community UAT Opportunity for full SDWIS community to test the application as it is developed Originally planned for three rounds before September’s v0.8 release; now will be doing only two due to preparation for September data load and release Will be doing Round 2 testing July 24 – Aug 4
Dates for Community UAT Round 1: initial Inventory and Legal Entity functionality Introduction webinar April 19, follow up May 3 Testing occurred between April 24 – May 17 Round 2: user interface for monitoring schedules and violations Kick off on July 19 Testing to occur July 24 – Aug 4
SDWIS Prime User Interface Development Schedule *Percentages represent story points completed development and validated by EPA versus story points planned.
SDWIS Prime Interfacing Application Needs, Non User Interface Components and Rules Schedule
SDWIS Prime UAT Schedules Note: Community UAT2 and State UAT3 moved from July 10th and the final Community UAT3 and State UAT4 have been removed to concentrate on the v0.8 deployment.
Logistics for Community UAT SDWIS Prime URL – this is where you will go to do your testing SDWIS Prime UAT Credentials: Use credentials that were set up for the last round If you don’t remember your credentials or need credentials, email Requirements: Web browser: Recommend using Firefox or Chrome to conduct testing as in IE not all features are visible Zendesk URL – this is where you will find directions for testing as well as where your Primacy Agency POC will provide feedback Your log in credentials for Zendesk are different from your SDWIS Prime log in credentials
UAT Guiding Principles Please be as specific with your feedback as possible Please work through your Primacy Agency POC to provide consolidated pieces of feedback Utilize the Zendesk site for guidance on how to navigate through the system as well as to be mindful of known issues: POCs use Zendesk requests to submit feedback: Anyone can post to the Zendesk Community board with further feedback:
Prime v0.8 Data Load Goal is to load a set of data for each Primacy Agency into SDWIS Prime for purposes of testing Prime version 0.8 When you log into Prime version 0.8, you’ll be able to see your inventory data Testing will begin after the version 0.8 deployment at the end of September The data load will be representational of your full data set, and will not constitute a full migration of all of your data for purposes of using Prime version 1.0 All active Water Systems within the SDWIS Fed Warehouse For all active Water systems within the SDWIS Fed Warehouse, all inactive and active facilities Will utilize 6-year scripts to pull sample data from S/State for a representative set of Water Systems EPA will be following up with further details and guidance on a separate call