Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment


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Presentation transcript:

Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment September 2015

Top Ten – Quality First Teaching

Planning Teacher standards 4, 1a, b, 2a-d, 3a-e, 5a-d, 6b-d, 8c Ofsted criteria – point 2 HOE expectations Monitored as part of Curriculum one to ones and Lesson Observations Medium term schemes of work for ALL teachers and ALL teaching Note in STPCD directed time that planning can take place in ‘additional hours required’ (read out paragraph from NUT document) Working document – we acknowledge that it may need to change depending on pupils progress over the course of the lesson, and the preferential learning styles of the pupil (s) Medium term plans need to be evaluated after each lesson to inform future teaching Do not require separate individual lesson plans unless it is your preferred way of working Ofsted action point – challenge for the more able

Questioning Teachers Standards 4a, b, 2b, 6a Ofsted criteria points 1, 4 HOE expectations Monitored as part of Learning Walks, Lesson Drop Ins and pupil focus groups Mini pleneries during the lesson to check understanding Final plenary to check lesson objective(s) has been met and progress made by pupil over the course of the lesson

Maximum use of lesson time Ofsted criteria points 2 & 3 HOE expectations Monitored through lesson observations, pupil focus groups and discussions in curriculum one to ones Direct teaching in lessons, not time fillers. Ask yourselves – is drawing a picture of the water cycle a meaningful activity? Could you give a diagram for labelling or word sorting exercise, matching words etc. Challenge often in one to one sessions – careful planning for meaningful learning experiences and maximum engagement with the teacher – ask yourselves – could they do this activity on their own for homework? Why are you watching them do an activity? ACTIVITY – in pairs, what is the most tedious and useless activity you have witnesses, experienced or even done yourself? 1 minute to write on a post it and put onto paper at front. Vote for worst – prize for pair

Embedding reading, writing, communication and mathematics Teachers Standards 3c,d (e) Ofsted criteria points 7 HOE expectations Monitored by reviewing medium term plans How can you use information from baseline assessments? E.g. Can’t read a maths question? If you have poor mathematical skills, will they be able to draw a graph in science? ASK for the information if you don’t have it!! Communicate to outreach teachers Lesson planning takes every opportunity to embed basic skills.

Use of Resources and Strategies for Learning Teachers Standards 3b, 4e, 5b, 6c, 7c, 8b, d Ofsted criteria point 12 HOE expectations Monitored through discussions in curriculum one to ones Includes knowledge of pedagogies of teaching

Interventions Teachers Standards 1b, 2a,d, 3a,d,e, 4a, 5a,b,d, 6a,b,c, 8c,d Ofsted criteria point 1, 3, 4 HOE expectations Monitored by Learning Walks, Lesson Drop Ins, pupil focus groups, pupil progress meetings, curriculum one to ones. Support for pupils falling behind or needing challenge, interventions for ‘coasting’ pupils, Include non educational interventions e.g. Provision of food and drink, FLW support/intervention, CAMHS support, Delos, referral to targeted prevention team, attendance etc

Incisive feedback Teachers Standards 1b,c, 2c,d, 3a,c, 4a,b,c, 5a,d, 6b,c, 8e Ofsted criteria point 5, 10, 11 Sutton Trust evidence HOE expectations – pupils and parents Monitored by Learning Walks, Lesson Drop Ins, pupil focus groups, work scrutiny, curriculum one to ones. COME AND COLLECT PENS & CHANGE SEAT Pupils know what they can do to improve their knowledge, skills and understanding. How are you going to give feedback to your pupils? Do pupils use your feedback? How do you feedback to parents? Do they know what progress their young person is making? Are they given ideas about how they can support them in their learning?

Role of other adults in the lesson Teachers Standards 2d, 3d, e, 4a, 5b, 6b, 7c, 8c Ofsted criteria point 2 Post Ofsted action point HOE expectations Monitored by Learning Walks, Lesson Drop Ins, pupil focus groups, pupil progress meetings, curriculum one to ones and supervision sessions. Activity – action plan bubble

Behaviour for learning Teachers Standards 1 a, c, 4b, 7 a-d Ofsted criteria point 2, 8, 9 HOE expectations Monitored through Learning Walks, Lesson Drop Ins, pupil focus groups, pupil progress meetings Is this just about behaviour in the lesson? About bad behaviour? Or is it about approaches, attitudes, engagement? Is sitting passively and silently in a lesson good behaviour for learning? How can we motivate our pupils to want to learn? How can we develop resilient, curious and interested learners? ACTIVITY BUBBLE

Assessment for Learning Teachers Standards 2b, 3d, 4d, 5a-d, 6a-d Ofsted criteria point 1, 3, 4, HOE expectations - formative and summative assessments Monitored by Learning Walks, Lesson Drop Ins, scrutiny of medium term planning, pupil progress meetings, data returns. Formative – as you go along – you FORM an assessment as you go along. Purpose is to inform future planning and may not seen written evidence except in lesson evaluations Summative – summary at the end, often done at the end of a piece of work/section and information that onto SIMs every 6 weeks. Nearly always have evidence e.g. Test result, piece of work

Homework Teachers Standards 1a, 4c Ofsted criteria point 6 HOE expectations Monitored by Learning Walks, Lesson Drop Ins, pupil focus groups, pupil progress meetings, curriculum one to ones and supervision sessions. Homework policy Why set homework? Is it specific task to enrich their understanding or embed skills and concepts? Or is it a time filler because we have said you need to set homework? Is it just because they didn't finish it in th lesson so is a punishment? What will you do if they don’t complete homework? Can you shar e homework tasks with parents/carers?

Pupil voice Teachers Standards Ofsted criteria point 9 HOE expectations - formative and summative assessments Monitored by Learning Walks, Lesson Drop Ins, scrutiny of medium term planning, pupil progress meetings, data returns. Do we always know what is best for a young person’s learning? Do we actually ask them? How do you decide how a young person will learn best? Do yu just do the same as you do with all pupils and as per your medium term plans? Do you just judge on the views of the paperwork from their home school and feedback from the SENCO? Are you an active listener? Look at the pupil focus group questionnaires – this is what we will be asking pupils – how will they respond to the questions about your teaching?

Professional standards for teachers ‘Teachers uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside the PRU’ ‘Teacher must have proper and professional regard to the ethos, policies and practices of the school in which they teach, and maintain high standards in their own attendance and punctuality’ Ho w will the senior leaders, management committee and your colleagues know that you are meeting these professional standards? What should we expect to see in your personal and professional conduct? Activity – complete the bubbles – please bring this to your PM meeting and use it to complete your self assessment Check your answers against the standards document

Top Ten – Quality First Teaching Are your ideas still the same?