Common Career Technical Core Professional Development NYSAFCSE May 1, 2015 Dawn B. Scagnelli CTE: FACS Associate New York State Education Department Intro Self-Thanks for opportunity Standards Groupie
The Goal: Readiness Over past few years, change in perspective about the purpose of high school: old- diploma was goal; new- HS is a transition, just earning a diploma is not enough. Not just graduating from, but graduating to…something Educational goal for all students is 3-fold: college, career, and life ready College- can enter college without needing remediation Career- demonstrates employability and/or technical skills that allow the person to be successful on the first day of work in an appropriate entry-level position Life- has developed the personal and interpersonal skills needed to be successful in transitioning from high school to the next place in life—everything from financial literacy, to advocacy, to civic and social responsibility CCTC is one tool to use in developing instruction pointed to this goal Next Slide: What are Common Career Technical Core Standards?
What are the Common Career Technical Core Standards? CCTC Standards: State-led Initiative High-Quality Rigorous Universal Voluntary Released in 2012 State-led initiative—state directors association Goal- high-quality, rigorous, standards for CTE Useful nation-wide Based on state learning standards—including NYS- and on industry standards Developed by teachers, industry/business experts, administrators, higher education experts, researchers Voluntary—Not adopted formally by NYS Regents, but available for our use—encouraged by SED CTE team, just as National FACS Learning Standards 3 parts: Career-ready standards (heavy influence of NYS CDOS standards) Career Cluster Standards – gerneral, overarching for the particular cluster
CCTC Standards have 3 Parts Career-Ready Practices (CDOS 3a) ↓ Cluster Standards (Key Ideas) Pathway Standards (Performance Indicators) Very detailed Will look at each part Relationship to NYS Standards is in ( ) Next Slide- Career-ready practices
CCTC Standards have 3 Parts Career-Ready Practices overarching apply to all 16 Career Clusters 12 statements that address the knowledge, skills and dispositions that are important to becoming career ready Career-Ready practices Similar to CDOS 3a—Universal Foundation Skills Termed “NON-Cognitive Skills” in NYS College-Career-Life Readiness Let’s take a quick look at the cluster model Next Slide- Career Clusters
16 Career Clusters® Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Architecture & Construction Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Business Management & Administration Education & Training Finance Government & Public Administration Health Science Hospitality & Tourism Human Services Information Technology Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Manufacturing Marketing Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Transportation, Distribution & Logistics NYS CDOS standards include 6 “career majors” which are the NYS take on the cluster concept CDOS predates the cluster model No formal adoption of the cluster model in NYS because it would require a standards change Ok to use in classrooms Highlighted areas are “FACS clusters”: Ag, Food & Natural Resources- F?N strand Architecture-Textiles and Design Education & Training- Human Services Hospitality- Food/Nutrition Human Services STEM F/N and Textiles/Design So, CCTC standards developed with this model as base Career-ready Practices cross all 16 clusters Next slide-Back to Career-ready
Career-Ready Example (4) Communicate clearly, effectively, and with reason clarity- written, orally, visually effective tone- considering audience active listeners- skilled interaction Needed for all aspects of readiness-college, career, life Next Slide- CCTC part 2 – Cluster Standards
CCTC Standards have 3 Parts 2. Cluster Standards comprehensive industry-validated expectations what students should know in order for success in this cluster of occupations Similar to key ideas—broad-based abilities needed for successful employment in any position in this cluster
Cluster Standard Example Education and Training Cluster (1) Apply communication skills with students, parents, and other groups to enhance learning and a commitment to learning See that it refers back to Career-ready Practice (4), and is a global skill necessary for work in an education setting—specifies the ausiences as students, parents, etc. and the purpose of the communication—to enhance learning Necessary regardless of specific position in an education setting Next Slide- Pathways
CCTC Standards have 3 Parts 3. Pathway Standards specific to a pathway performance-based define what students should be able to do after completing instruction in a program of study Third part- most like a student standard Specific to each pathway within a cluster Each cluster has several pathways Next slide- examples of Pathways within a cluster
Pathways within the Education & Training Cluster Administration & Administration Support Career Pathway (ED-ADM) Professional Support Services Career Pathway (ED-PS) Teaching/Training Career Pathway (ED-TT) Education & Training has 3 pathways: Administration, Professional Support Services, Teaching/Training Pathway Other clusters have more ex- Agriculture has 7 and one of the 7 intersects with FACS education- Food Products & Processing Systems Career Pathway (AG-FD) There 89 Pathways across the 16 clusters Build programs using a pathway as an organizing structure Next Slide-Pathway standard example
Pathway Standard Example Teaching/Training Career Pathway (ED-TT) (2) Employ knowledge of learning and developmental theory to describe individual learners (4) Identify materials and resources needed to support instructional plans (5) Establish a positive climate to promote learning Like performance indicators What should the person be able to do Language such as one might find in a job ad Leads to evaluation and measurement possibilities
Why use the CCTC Standards? Relevance Connections Practicality
What do you think? How can the CCTC Standards help us with our Home and Career Skills update? How can the CCTC Standards help us develop approved CTE programs? How can the CCTC Standards help us with our APPR plans
Where are the CCTC Standards available?
Contact Information Dawn B. Scagnelli CTE FACS Associate New York State Education Department Room 315 EB 89 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12234 518 486 1547