Principles of Marketing - UNBSJ BA 2303 Principles of Marketing - UNBSJ Pulling It All Together: The Strategic Marketing Process Instructor – Terry Conrod
Learning Objectives BA 2303 Explain how marketing managers allocate their limited resources. Describe three marketing planning frameworks: Porter’s generic strategies, profit enhancement options, and market–product synergies. Explain what makes an effective marketing plan and some problems that often exist with it. Describe the alternatives for organizing a marketing department and the role of a product manager. Explain how sales and profitability analyses and ROI marketing are used to evaluate and control marketing programs.
MARKETING BASICS: DOING WHAT WORKS AND ALLOCATING RESOURCES Finding and using what really works Strategy Execution Culture Structure
MARKETING BASICS: DOING WHAT WORKS AND ALLOCATING RESOURCES Allocating Marketing Resources Using Sales Response Functions Maximizing Incremental Revenue Minus Incremental Cost A Numerical Example of Resource Allocation
Sales response function showing the situation for two different years BA 2303 Sales response function showing the situation for two different years © 2008 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. All rights reserved.
MARKETING BASICS: DOING WHAT WORKS AND ALLOCATING RESOURCES Allocating Marketing Resources in Practice Share points Resource Allocation and the Strategic Marketing Process
The strategic marketing process: actions and information BA 2303
BA 2303 Steps a large consumer package goods firm takes in developing its annual marketing plan
BA 2303 Concept Check What is the significance of the S-shape of the sales response function in Figure 19-1? Answer: Figure 19-1 illustrates the resource allocation principle which is inherent in the sales response function. As the annual marketing effort increases, so does the resulting annual sales revenue. The relationship is assumed to be "S- shaped."
BA 2303 Concept Check What are the main output reports from each phase of the strategic marketing process? Answer: The main output reports for each phase of the strategic marketing process are: (1) Planning - Marketing plans or programs, (2) Implementation - Memos or computer outputs, and (3) Control - Corrective action memos
What are two kinds of marketing plans? BA 2303 Concept Check What are two kinds of marketing plans? Answer: The two kinds of marketing plans are: (1) Long- range and (2) Annual.
THE PLANNING PHASE OF THE STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS BA 2303 THE PLANNING PHASE OF THE STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS Marketing Planning Frameworks: The Search for Growth Porter’s Generic Business Strategies Cost leadership strategy Differentiation strategy Cost focus strategy Differentiation-focus strategy
Porter’s four generic business strategies BA 2303
Profit enhancement options for increasing a firm’s profits BA 2303 Profit enhancement options for increasing a firm’s profits © 2008 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. All rights reserved.
THE PLANNING PHASE OF THE STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS BA 2303 THE PLANNING PHASE OF THE STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS Marketing Planning Frameworks: The Search for Growth (cont.) Market-Product Synergies Market-product concentration Market specialization Product specialization Selective specialization Full coverage
© 2008 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. All rights reserved. BA 2303 Market-product grid of alternative strategies for a lawnmower manufacturer © 2008 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. All rights reserved.
An ideal merger for Great Lawns to obtain full market-product coverage BA 2303 An ideal merger for Great Lawns to obtain full market-product coverage © 2008 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. All rights reserved.
Describe Porter’s four generic business strategies. BA 2303 Concept Check Describe Porter’s four generic business strategies. Answer: Porter's four generic business strategies are: (1) Cost leadership, (2) Differentiation, (3) Cost focus, and (4) Differentiation focus
BA 2303 Concept Check What are four alternative ways to increase a firm’s profit when considering profit enhancement options and strategies? Answer: They are: (1) market penetration; (2) product development; (3) market development, and (4) diversification.
BA 2303 Concept Check Where do (a) marketing synergies and (b) R&D- manufacturing synergies appear in a market-product grid framework? Answer: Marketing synergies (a) run horizontally on the market-product grid framework and R&D- manufacturing synergies and (b) run vertically.
THE PLANNING PHASE OF THE STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS BA 2303 THE PLANNING PHASE OF THE STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS Some Planning and Strategy Lessons Guidelines for an Effective Marketing Plan Set measurable, achievable goals Use a base of facts and valid assumptions Utilize simple but clear and specific plans Have complete and feasible plans Make plans controllable and flexible Balancing Value and Values in Strategic Marketing Plans
THE IMPLEMENTATION PHASE OF THE STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS BA 2303 THE IMPLEMENTATION PHASE OF THE STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS Is Planning or Implementation the Problem? Shift Emphasis to Marketing Implementation Improving Implementation of Marketing Programs Communicate Goals and the Means of Achieving Them Have a Responsible Program Champion Willing to Act Reward Successful Program Implementation
Results of good and bad marketing planning and implementation
THE IMPLEMENTATION PHASE OF THE STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS BA 2303 THE IMPLEMENTATION PHASE OF THE STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS Improving Implementation of Marketing Programs (cont.) Foster Open Communication to Surface the Problems Schedule Precise Tasks, Responsibilities, and Deadlines Action item list
BA 2303 Concept Check Why is it important to include line operating managers in the planning process? Answer: People at all levels in the firm, including line operating managers, need to understand what, when, and how they are to accomplish their tasks. This is required for effective execution of marketing plans.
What is the meaning and importance of a product champion? BA 2303 Concept Check What is the meaning and importance of a product champion? Answer: A program (or product) champion is a person who is able and willing to cut red tape and move the program forward. These people have the interesting ability to move between big-picture strategy questions and specific details when the situation calls for it.
BA 2303 Concept Check Explain the difference between sequential and concurrent tasks in a Gantt chart. Answer: The difference between sequential and concurrent tasks in a Gantt chart is, the key to all scheduling techniques is to distinguish tasks that must be done sequentially from those that can be done concurrently.
THE IMPLEMENTATION PHASE OF THE STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS BA 2303 THE IMPLEMENTATION PHASE OF THE STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS Organizing for Marketing Line versus Staff and Divisional Groupings Line positions Staff positions Product line groupings Functional groupings Geographical groupings Market-based groupings
Organization of a Pillsbury business unit, showing product or brand groups BA 2303
Units with which the product manager and product group work BA 2303
THE CONTROL PHASE OF THE STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS BA 2303 THE CONTROL PHASE OF THE STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS The Marketing Control Process Measuring Results Taking Marketing Actions Sales Analysis Sales component analysis Profitability Analysis ROI marketing
The control phase of the strategic marketing process BA 2303
BA 2303 Concept Check What is the difference between a line and a staff position in a marketing organization? Answer: People in line positions, such as senior marketing manager for biscuits, have the authority and responsibility to advise people in line position but cannot issue direct orders to them. Those in staff positions have the authority and responsibility to advise people in line positions but cannot issue direct orders to them.
What are four groupings used within a typical marketing organization? BA 2303 Concept Check What are four groupings used within a typical marketing organization? Answer: The four groupings used within a typical marketing organization are: (1) Product line groupings, (2) Functional groupings, (3) Geographical groupings, and (4) Market-based groupings
BA 2303 Concept Check What two components of the strategic marketing process are compared to control a marketing program? Answer: Sales analysis and sales component analysis are compared to control a marketing program.
BA 2303 Action Item List An aid to implementing a market plan, consisting of three columns: (1) the task, (2) the name of the person responsible for completing that task, and (3) the date by which the task is to be finished.
Cost Leadership Strategy BA 2303 Cost Leadership Strategy Using a serious commitment to reducing expenses that, in turn, lowers the price of the items sold in a relatively broad array of market segments.
BA 2303 Cost-Focus Strategy Involves controlling expenses and, in turn, lowering prices, in a narrow range of market segments.
Differentiation Strategy BA 2303 Differentiation Strategy Requires innovation and significant points of difference in product offerings, brand image, higher quality, advanced technology, or superior service in a relatively broad array of market segments.
Differentiation-Focus Strategy BA 2303 Differentiation-Focus Strategy Using significant points of difference in the firm’s offerings to reach one or only a few market segments.
BA 2303 Functional Groupings Organizational groupings, such as manufacturing, marketing, and finance, which are the different business activities within a firm.
Generic Business Strategy BA 2303 Generic Business Strategy Strategy that can be adopted by any firm, regardless of the product or industry involved, to achieve a competitive advantage.
Geographical Groupings BA 2303 Geographical Groupings Organizational groupings in which a unit is subdivided according to geographical location.
BA 2303 Line Positions People in line positions, such as senior marketing managers, have the authority and responsibility to issue orders to the people who report to them, such as product managers.
Market-Based Groupings Organizational groupings that utilize specific customer segments.
Product Line Groupings BA 2303 Product Line Groupings Organizational groupings in which a unit is responsible for specific product offerings.
Product (or program) Champion BA 2303 Product (or program) Champion A person who is able and willing to cut red tape and move the program forward.
Profitability Analysis BA 2303 Profitability Analysis A means of measuring the profitability of the firm’s products, customer groups, sales territories, channels of distribution, and order sizes.
BA 2303 ROI Marketing The application of modern measurement technologies and contemporary organizational design to understand, quantify, and optimize marketing spending.
BA 2303 Sales Analysis A tool for controlling marketing programs using sales records to compare actual results with sales goals and to identify strengths and weaknesses.
Sales Component Analysis BA 2303 Sales Component Analysis A tool for controlling marketing programs that traces sales revenues to their sources, such as specific products, sales territories, or customers. Also called microsales analysis.
Sales Response Function BA 2303 Sales Response Function Relates the expense of marketing effort to the marketing results obtained. Measures of marketing results include sales revenue, profit, units sold, and level of awareness.
BA 2303 Share Points Percentage points of market share; often used as the common basis of comparison to allocate marketing resources effectively.
BA 2303 Staff Positions People in staff positions have the authority and responsibility to advise people in the line positions but cannot issue direct orders to them.