Omitted, Delayed or Early Medication Doses
Background NPSA alert in February 2010 raised potential harm to patients as a result of delayed or omitted medications All organisations looking after inpatients were required to identify critical medicines and ensure medicines management
Guidance Ideally doses should not be omitted. If interval between doses is too close, there is also risk of increased side-effects or toxicity (e.g. Lithium and paracetamol). Some drugs have specific minimum dosage intervals (e.g. paracetamol 4-hourly).
Guidance Clinical judgement and/or advice from prescriber or pharmacy should be used when deciding whether to administer a delayed or early dose, consider: Type of medication – are actions or side-effects problematic if given earlier or later (e.g. insomnia with SSRIs). If plasma levels need to be taken and effect on result Interactions, or effects of food on medication. (e.g. flucloxacillin on empty stomach).
Guidance If other considerations have been taken into account, the following can guide whether to administer an early or delayed dose: Frequency Delayed dose can be given if next dose not due for at least: Early dose can be given if the previous dose was not given within at least: Four times a day 3 hours Three times a day 4 hours Twice a day 6 hours Once a day 12 hours
Exceptions Lithium is an important exception due to lithium toxicity: Once daily dosing Delayed dose – must be given within 6 hours of prescribed dose Early dose – must be at least 18 hours since the previous dose. Twice daily dosing Delayed dose – must be given within 3 hours of prescribed dose Early dose – must be at least 9 hours since the previous dose.
What to do next… If delayed, the borders of the administration box should be thickened with a pen to highlight the dose has not yet been administered. After a final decision, the administration box should be completed with either initial of nurse administering the dose, or the relevant omission code. Nurse responsible for initial decision must hand over to next shift if a decision to administer or omit has not been made. If a decision to administer early, the time must be written next to nurse signature. Reason for early administration must be recorded in the notes.